
Schools today do need to use audio-visual media for learning

An article in today's Edmonton Journal about the new racial and religious segregated school set up for the one ethnic group on the planet that does not deserve the right to remain isolated (due in most part to their religion being a sham foisted on the world by Satan himself, acting through Mohammed the child raper.

So anyways, the article goes onto say:

Teachers, about half of whom are Muslim, teach the Alberta curriculum. But each school day also includes classes in Islamic studies and Arabic.

"I want my kids to learn the Arabic language as a second language, and I want them to learn about Islam," said Tarrabain, whose six children are at the academy in preschool through Grade 8. "I want them to feel proud that they are Canadians, and at the same time that they are Muslim Canadians."

I want them to learn about Islam says a parent. Gee, does that mean the school will regularly be airing CNN? That's an awfully good way to learn a whole lot about Islam.