
Post #500 Baby!

That's right boys and girls! Believe it or not (and if the answer is "not" then I have bad news for you, since this blog's archives validate my contention), after just over 11 months of blogging I have now accumulated 500 posts! From baseball to extreme right wing politics, from slandering local musicians to uncovering dead chicks, Third Edge of the Sword has been your one stop shop for all sorts of stuff. I'll shut up about this and get onto the good stuff, a 1 year retrospective next month is a better time to cover this sort of territory.

Post #400 was barely a month ago. In the rest of October, 59 posts were added over 19 days 11 hours and 25 minutes. That's a post every 0.33 days (ie. every 7 hours, 55 minutes, 20.33 seconds). Not bad, not bad.

So far in November (not including this post), 40 posts in 18 days 15 hours 23 minutes for a post every 0.466 days (ie. every 11 hours, 11 minutes, 4.5 seconds). Talk about your healthy posting rates! Typically if you visit this site once a day, you'll have 2 new posts worth of content to peruse...every bloody time!

New features
I haven't added much, but there are a few developments.

Live weblogging: Game 4 of the World Series was live weblogged, and it turns out I could have done the same for Game 5. Similar events, such as other sports events, may be possible. Or TomKat's wedding.

Home-spun graphics: Having pulled my old copy of Jasc's Paintshop Pro out of retirement, I've had the ability to make several graphics that have helped to illustrate points. Particularly during the live weblog: photos were available for every contingency. This sort of thing gives me just another tool to express myself. I try to limit it, I don't think all text or all photos is a good thing to try on a blog.

AlbertaBlogs: I am now on the AlbertaBlogs server, which means that my regular updates keep this blog located at or near the top of the list, meaning more and more people will find it possible to come here. More people means more exposure means more comments means more exciting developments. And that's win-win for everyone!

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