
Robots vs. Werewolves

Since Corner Gas, the #1 rated sitcom in Canada, is currently doing an episode about blogs, this seems like a good time to post in the hopes of snaring some of that post-episode curiosity traffic. [somehow I get the feeling that this is the final death knell of the concept of "seems like a good time to ____" -ed]

I guess at the end of the day, the final analysis is that I should be proud: more people read Third Edge of the Sword than read Hank Talkin'

(Comments on who would win in a robot vs. a werewolf fight are, of course, entirely appreciated)

Update, 9:54pm: I wasn't the only one to think about blogging about Corner Gas during Corner Gas. This is also where I get the hat-tip to telling me about the link to Hank's blog as featured on the show tonight. (That's CTV's Corner Gas starring Brent Butt and Gabrielle Miller.)

(Comments on who is hotter, Gabrielle Miller or Rub N' Tug star Tara Spencer-Nairn, are also more than welcome on this post)