
Post #300 Baby!

Well, its been quite some time now since the 200 post milestone. An additional finger injury, a monthlong out-of-country vacation, and a busy summer with hot Edmonton weater has contributed to a serious slowdown of blogging since April 18th. Let's check the stats to see how bad this really is:

Total in the month of April I made 55 posts in 30 days, for an average of one post every 0.5454 days (ie. every 13 hours, 5 minutes, 27.27 seconds). A bit of a slowdown, but ah well. (Even a slight slowdown from the 12 hours 44 minutes from the first part of April).

In May, the slowdow was really pronounced: 38 posts in 31 days, a post every 0.8158 days (ie. every 19 hours, 34 minutes, 44.21 seconds). To be fair, I was gone for most of it: when you call the month "over" at the May 24th posting there is 38 posts in 23.0979 days, for an average of a post every 0.6078 days (ie. every 14 hours, 35 minutes, 17.37 seconds).

June as a whole was a mere 18 posts in 30 days, for a paltry post every 1.6667 days (ie. every 40 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds). Again, if I count the month "starting" at the first post of June, that's still only 18 posts in 15 days plus change. A post every 0.87 days (ie. every 20 hours, 52 minutes, 46.67 seconds).

July there's no chance for excuses: 21 posts (not including this one) over 24 and a half days for a post every 1.1645 days (ie. every 27 hours, 56 minutes, 48.57 seconds). Well, there are excuses, I think I covered a few of them in this post. Also, I was stuck at 299 for a few days not wanting to post any baseball/hockey/life/politics thoughts until I got this milestone post out of the way. A small surge should be forthcoming.

So in August posting should increase slightly, though this blog's posting rate probably peaked in March 2006. Historians will one day remark upon this month as blogging's golden age.

Best Reads:
As always, I'll use keywords here to highlight some of my great works over the past 100 posts:

See you all in another 100 posts!