
Here's how to vote Bush/Cheney/Vatican out of office in November 2006!

I got a response to a post! This is always happy news for me, and it comes from newcoming (and never-to-come-again-er, I fear) Seven Star Hand. In his comment to my brief post about Foley and and the DNC website goof (filled more with quotes than my own words, something I rarely do -- though the quotes were all culled), he wrote...well, a lot:

Hey LC,

The Sharp Two Edged sword symbolizes truth and justice as my tool of battle. The third part symbolizes lies and deception, hence alternatives to truth and justice...

Here's some more red hot ink for your pen. Now help me vanquish the sword!

This Foley fiasco has given people the chance to change the make-up of this government, which will ultimately lead to the end of the Bush-Cheney reign. It may not be pretty, but it is a gift, nonetheless. Don't waste this advantage. Use it wisely to end the more pressing problems that face us all.
The current scandal involving Congressman Foley is merely the latest in an amazingly long list of blatant deception and duplicity by Republicans and the Christian Right in recent years. While bedeviling us all with their holier-than-thou pretenses, they consistently support and/or perform blatant greed and abominable evil. Never forget the extent of their arrogance over the last two decades and especially the last 6 years. It is beyond amazing that Christians continue to blindly support such obviously blatant scoundrels, even as they are repeatedly exposed going against the most basic of human values. The level of hypocrisy and duplicity boggles the mind. There is no longer any doubt, whatsoever, that Christianity is little more than a purposeful deception used by political and religious leaders to dupe, manipulate, and coerce entire populations into giving them wealth and power, which they always use for greed, injustice, and abominable evils.
And so on, and so forth.

Now I'm just a wacky Albertan, but I was under the impression that a mid-term election was just that, and that the "Bush/Cheney reign" would end as scheduled in mid-January 2009. Anyways, if you really want the fun, go to the website of his (one of four, and two are "team blogs" with no other teammembers) he suggested: Exposing Religious Deception (with a URL you sure don't want to write on a cocktail napkin, which is so far the extent of my blog promotion). There he brings up the Bush/Cheney/Vatican regime, which seems strange inasmuch as Bush and Cheney are both United Methodist (the 2nd largest Protestant denomination in the US). In fact, their own denomination spent most of 2001 renouncing them as not wholly indicative of the national council. They most certainly are not, however, Catholic, and John Paul II may have "reached out" to a lot of faiths in his tenure (Lutherans, in a display of historical irony, being the most amicable to the reaching) but I'm pretty sure if they had brought the Methodists under the Big Tent we'd be hearing a whole lot about it. (Methodist/Catholic relations are just warming in aught-six, still recovering from Bishop Challoner's A Caveat against the Methodists)

You can check out Seven Star Hand's other blogs: Here is Wisdom..., It's Symbology Stupid, and Forging New Human Paradigms, but they all seem more or less the same. The first two blogs are "dedicated to the book "Revelations from the Apocalypse, Volume 1: Here is Wisdom" and various associated topics and issues raised by the information revealed. This book delivers decisive proof that all three faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions to varying degrees, with Christianity being the worst by far. Download the ebook for free at http://www.lulu.com/sevenstarhand" Great thing for people with too much time on their hands.


Seven Star Hand said...
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Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Again LC,

Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes "blindness"...

I know this is outside of your normal thoughtbox, but the time has come to discern long obscured truth and wisdom. Humanity has been deceived about the true nature of this reality and who is actually controlling this planet from the shadows. The Papacy and Christianity are purposeful deceptions used to hide the true nature and purpose of the Vatican; hence the secret headquarters of those who rule this planet in mystery, along with plutocratic secret society cohorts.

Be a little patient and suffer through my long-winded, outside-the-box rambling and you might be able to discern that you and others have been deceived.

I am not your enemy and I'm not who has imposed strong delusion and false doctrine upon the adherents of all three faiths of Abraham and deceived the nations. I have verifiably unsealed the Apocalypse and given you the ability to understand the truth about these religions and much else. Don't be the last to understand that you have been duped into supporting evil...

Patience and Humility are on the path of Wisdom...

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child said...

I get the feeling Seven Star Hand is about to hand me a faded DVD of "What the (Bleep) Do We Know?" or run an E-Meter over me...