
How many Toronto bylaw officers are my equalization dollars paying for?

Toronto is a disgusting leftist city.

Okay that's not news, you knew that: but the news out of the past week drives home how ridiculous it is that any Canadian taxpayer is forced at gunpoint to send these morons their hard earned cash.

It started with the Viro Fascist move of Toronto closing High Park. I've never been there (it's quite a hike from downtown, though apparently you pass it when you take the subway from Pearson to downtown) but apparently there are cherry blossom trees that people like to see. Also as a note, the park appears to be huge. You can clearly see the size when you look at home much real estate it takes up in a photo that includes both Pearson (which isn't even in Toronto, it's in Mississauga) and the CN Tower which for those who don't know Toronto is essentially the western edge of downtown.

However the Cherry Blossoms are popular and only available for a short time in late spring (which is why if you've only been in the Big Smoke during the summer as I have, it probably wouldn't be on your destination list), so the city closed down the park and deprived Toronto residents of one of their largest city parks:

So having finished fining citizens for entering the park to look at the trees, they had no problem themselves using their special privilege to take their own photos with the iconic trees.

If you think things couldn't get less crazy, go all the way to east Toronto (nowhere near the Woodbine Race Track by the way) to Woodbine Park. As more and more city parks are closed by Toronto's idiotic City Council, Woodbine has become more and more popular. So what are bylaw officers busy doing? Keeping foxes from having to be slightly annoyed by people when they live in Canada's largest burg.

Boy Toronto is sure lucky they don't have real crimes.