
SHOCKER: Squaws continue dying when locked in their racially segregated homes

Halls of Macadamia notes that it's shocking that since Red Indians are staying locked up in their homes because of the Wuhan Flu, their womenfolk are suffering extra abuse.

Lorraine, hang on a sec... are you saying you just discovered domestic violence among aboriginal peoples? And how exactly is 'colonialism' or 'coronavirus' beating the snot out of aboriginal women?

I guess they should have taken the quiz.

However, what caught my eye about the original article was this bit:
But Whitman says many shelters and sexual assault centres in the country are not run for or by Indigenous people, which is why many First Nations, Inuit and Metis women won't access them, even if they're in trouble.

"They don't have that comfort zone there and they're not culturally influenced or inclusive of the Indigenous values that we have and our traditions and ceremonies."
If squaws are literally so backward minded that they won't seek help from the only race that's ultimately willing to help them (whites), then every #MMIW is 100% deserved and we should cheer when it happens.

Also, hate to break it to you sister, but "inclusive of the Indigenous values that we have and our traditions" involves you getting beaten and killed by your savage relations. You can't separate the wheat from the chaff on this: it's all chaff.

Completely unrelated: Notice the Redmonton Urinal doesn't give out the race of this dangerous armed rapist. It's totally unrelated to the fact that Rodney Gambler is an Injun.