
The intellectual rigour of the "defund police" experts

Just like with the massive violent negro protests in America, suddenly when it requires their pet causes to be impacted the Viro Fascists suddenly remember that governments are supposed to be very very narrow in how much they restrict the liberties of their citizenry.

Our latest example comes from, where else, Ontario: Groups say Ontario emergency orders to fight pandemic violate privacy. Oh no! Not privacy!

For those keeping score, in Canada "emergency orders" have now restricted the following real human rights:

  1. Freedom of expression
  2. Freedom of free exercise of religion
  3. Freedom of movement
  4. Freedom to own and enjoy property
That doesn't even include all the fake rights (ie. positive rights) that far-left governments used to hold so dear such as the right to medical care...and, indeed, the "right to privacy".
"We don't know how long police are going to have access to this data, what they're going to do to it," said Alexander McClelland, a criminology scholar and spokesperson for an advocacy group dubbed We Can't Police Our Way Out of a Pandemic.
Hey Alex, why don't you tell that to the British constabulary? Or, for that matter, the Toronto one. But who is Alexander McClelland? If your first guess was pillow biter who wants to apologize for the fact his European ancestors did a better job of managing Upper Canada than the Red Indians who wasted away in it, you get a bonus ribbon.
Alexander McClelland, is a settler from Toronto, Ontario. He recently completed a doctorate in Humanities from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Society and Culture, Concordia University, and is working on a SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, with the Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa. He is a long-time activist and his work focuses on the intersections of life, law, and disease. He has developed collaborative and interdisciplinary writing, academic, artistic projects to address issues of criminalization, sexual autonomy, surveillance, drug liberation, and the construction of knowledge on HIV.
In other words, if you want to know why evil poofters who spread AIDS weren't liable in Canada while people who spread other fatal diseases were (the Supreme Court struck down that nonsense in 2012), McClelland is the man ass pirate responsible. Regardless, you can look far and wide for McClelland speaking out against "nonessential" business closures or police creepily monitoring church parking lots. But as soon as a homeless niggerfag is given the same ticket as an employed white person and forced to identify himself, he's all over the "inequality" of it: because in far-left academia, treating everybody equal is somehow "inequality".
McClelland said advocates have already learned of one instance in which a member of a racialized community had her privacy and human rights violated based on a COVID-19 diagnosis.
See? When it's a "racialized community member" its bad. Doubleplus bad.
Scassa said such personal details are rife for misuse in any context, adding the Ontario law should require first responders to prove they're requesting such details for a specific purpose related to the pandemic. She said the government would be wise to consider striking a more appropriate balance between public health and privacy concerns, noting such matters will become increasingly important as the first wave of the outbreak wanes and contact tracing efforts ramp up. "Trust is something that is really important in this context," she said. "It's worth being thoughtful about the balance."
Provincial governments have routinely decided to overrule privacy laws when they found them inconvenient and you never heard a peep out of the likes of McClelland (even though, as Kurn pointed out at the time, his own sexual deviancy could be caught up in the crossfire).

In the great list of freedoms that Canadians have lost, the freedom not to have governments record us in their databases wasn't that strong to begin with. It certainly isn't the first one that governments need to stop stamping out.