

A quack Ph.D holder (they're more common than you think) named Judy Mikovits has put out a new documentary called "Plandemic" that claims this whole COVID-19 thing is a conspiracy.

Is her science right? Probably not, but the odds are probably at least 1/10 things she says about the Wuhan Flu that we insist isn't true today will turn out to be true a decade from now.

Is her read of the geopolitical scene right? No, but that's just because governments are loving how this lets them overreact. Shiny Pony was very happy about all those Nova Scotia deaths so he could push his gun control measure too, it doesn't mean he paid the guy off to do it.

But predictably Big Tech has decided that her lies about the existence of a secret COVID-19 vaccine are horrible lies that need to be banned from the internet while other people telling "Trump said drink bleach" lies are allowed to propagate freely.

So below is the half hour clip of Plandemic for you to watch if you want. Comment on this post or the video itself if you want. That's how a robust culture of free speech is supposed to make our world better.

Censors, I hereby suggest you guzzle bleach. Not because it'll cure the coronavirus but instead because it will kill you and people like you should die off and leave the rest of us a better society.