
The Edmonton Journal sets a new standard for fair and balanced coverage of political rallies

On Thursday my fellow Edmontonians (the ones who don't still have to go to work every day...I hear that's a thing) gathered en masse to protest the continued closures that were supposed to be a two week "break" to not "overtax the healthcare system" (which I notice I'm always being over-taxed to pay). Everybody from the yellow vests to United We Roll showed up, far exceeding the paltry total the organizer expected based on the Facebook RSVPs.

SIDEBAR WHY ARE PARAGRAPHS IN NEWS ARTICLES THESE DAYS SO SHORT Local blogger asks why this style of writing is so popular and has caught on Is it to improve readability Is it tied to social media culture Is it because the average reporter has a really really low attention span The Southam papers seem to be the worst for it the SUN chain and yes I know theyre one and the same now tends to have longer paragraphs with headers It also mainly seems to be a Canadian newspaper phenomenon Papers in the US and Britain dont do this If they do its not nearly as bad I cannot help but think its some sort of managerial edict either through a corporate enforced style corresponding to the bias of the editor in chief not unsurprisingly the Canadian media landscape is sickeningly inbred or because they think the public likes it Does the public really Or maybe they just think the public does It cant be the writers idea because this disjointed style is painful to write The brain reels with this short form article writing where no idea can be expanded on unless its a quote with a counter quote Even those end up in different paragraphs Regardless its annoying I wish theyd stop
It was even enough to catch the attention of the NDP bootlicking Edmonton Journal.
Note that in Lauren Boothby's story counter-protester David Williamson, who was a single contrarian at the rally, got a whopping three paragraphs in a 19-paragraph story (14 not counting the reaction of Hinshaw), though to be fair the paragraphs are ridiculously short (see sidebar).

I find it interesting and useful though: it's important to hold the Journal's feet to the fire on this one though: having just written an article about a protest so big the Viro Fascists had to shut it down but still devoting 16%-21% of the column to a single dissenter, they'd better start doing the same when the right does it to leftist protests.

A single counter-protester at the Fag Walk (delayed, crazy enough now, for two years) warning that their sick lifestyle is illegitimate? 16% coverage. One yellow vest at the 2021 May Day Rally? 16% coverage. One Proud Boy at the next #IdleNoMore pipeline protest? 16% coverage. We aren't just talking 16% coverage about his existence either: it actually quoted him and let him express his side without any reaction from the rally-goers.

Obviously they were quoting him to provide "man on the street" coverage for Hinshaw's discussion about how much smarter she is than all those people who are applying competing rationale than just strictly "health" when publicly protesting public policy. It will be important that the Edmonton Journal in general and Lauren Boothby in particular are held to this standard.


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