
There is only one valid sexual orientation. There is only one valid view about the number of valid sexual orientations.

LifeSiteNews with a devastating editorial on the evil faggot agenda being pushed by the far-left CBC:

With the arrival of Pride Month comes the relentless pressure on corporations, schools, charities, and public institutions to signal support for the LGBT movement. Live and let live is long dead — now a significant portion of the month is dedicated to demanding that the flag of an ideological movement get hoisted over religious schools. The media assists in these efforts by serving as a microphone for LGBT groups seeking to colonize other spaces to air their accusations.

Consider, for example, an article this week from the CBC, Canada’s taxpayer-funded state broadcaster. Titled “Hamilton Catholic school board facing backlash for refusal to raise Pride flag in June,” the story itself constitutes the backlash. The story is only accurate because the story exists. Is it news that a Catholic school does not want to raise the flag of an ideology which celebrates what the Catholic Church calls sin? According to the CBC, it is — and so a controversy is brought into being.
Seriously, go read the whole thing.
Other Catholic school boards have already buckled in the lead-up to “Pride Month,” including Toronto, Ottawa, Waterloo, Durham, Wellington, Niagara, and Dufferin-Peel — and each time a board surrenders, they make it even more difficult for those attempting to hold out and adhere to Catholic doctrine. The longer a board holds out, the more the LGBT mafia ups the rhetoric. The Queer Trans Diversity Coalition of Hamilton, for example, used terminology insinuating that the Hamilton Catholic school board was acting like the racists of the Jim Crow era.
This is why it's so important to fight their disgusting agenda everywhere and at every time.

Never surrender until the LGBTQUERY crowd is utterly destroyed.

They have nothing to be "proud" of. We do, and they must change.