I'm afraid you owe Shelley Biermanski an apology.
@thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud and how much has NDP attack on economy helped increase violence in the community?— Shelley Biermanski (@ShelleyWRP) December 1, 2015
Browne, Salomon, & Bassuk (1999) found that women who resided in households that earned less than $10,000 annually had a 4-times-greater risk of experiencing violence than women in wealthier households.
Buka, Stichick, Birdthistle, & Felton, (2001) found youths from low-income neighborhoods witnessed significantly more severe violence (viz., murders and stabbings) than youths from middle- and upper-income neighborhoods.
In other words, there is a correlation between overall household income and domestic violence. So as more and more Albertans become underemployed or unemployed (due to bad NDP policies which yes are causing a loss of jobs exasperated by their hostility to a strong oil market) the incidence of domestic violence would be expected to rise. Indeed, says the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, they have!
You accused Biermanski of ignorance, of implying poor people didn't commit more spousal abuse, being offensive, justifying violence, only equating Alberta's job losses to the price of oil, not knowing what she was talking about, etc. etc.
Instead, she was speaking the truth, and you were just plain wrong.
(Forget what you said? Here's a reminder of your attack on Biermanski where you didn't know what you were talking about)
@ShelleyWRP @MarieFrRenaud WoW, are you say personal economics justifies domestic violence? REALLY? #ableg— Barbara Silva (@thatSilvaLining) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP Was going to make comment on your antiquated views on dom. violence then noticed your Twitter photo is also stuck in time.— Dave S. Clark (@DaveSClark) December 1, 2015
I wonder if this is the official party position. What say you, @BrianJeanWRP? https://t.co/88n1d0Xpdq— Naheed Nenshi (@nenshi) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud Absolutely unacceptable. Domestic violence is an issue in St.Albert. Your comment trivializes it— Andrew Traynor (@T8NTraynor) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor So only poor people are spousal abusers, Shelley? Keep tweeting. I'm ENTHRALLED. #ableg— Kathleen Smith (@KikkiPlanet) December 1, 2015
@KikkiPlanet @MarieFrRenaud @ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Slava Voynov. Millionaire spousal abusers. #ableg— Marc Power (@MarcPower) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP call up the shelters and ask them if they were any less full during the boom. Don't deflect your ignorance on the NDP.— Jenny Jones (@dubblj1873) December 1, 2015
— Sweet Jimmy (@Sweet72jimmy) December 1, 2015
— Jason (@hawkbox) December 1, 2015
Ah yes domestic violence is the the fault of the NDP ... wait wut?. #wrp Just not ready. #ableg https://t.co/jlUADMoUTj— Shane Bostock (@BestShaneEver) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP that doesn't even make sense— Dustin Longpre (@longpre11) December 1, 2015
Delete your account @ShelleyWRP https://t.co/xP1HopFCgf— Babby where are yuo (@BadNewsCentral) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP can we expect your resignation for spreading lies and fear mongering? Really you should be ashamed. #ableg #wrp— Jordan Simao (@JordanSimao) December 1, 2015
@nenshi @BrianJeanWRP @ShelleyWRP She should be made to resign. And pay for the by-election. Haters have no place in public office— Scot Dowden (@dokscot) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP heeey, just wondering what's the income cut off to be able to blame dom. violence on the NDP? Or is it like an hours/week thing?— Commander Choi (@campbellcopper) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @MarieFrRenaud your insinuation that a gov would ever purposefully do something that increases domestic violence is disgusting— Edward (@EdRamsden) December 1, 2015
@boycottsunnews @Sue_Lib What a disgusting statement by @ShelleyWRP It is this sort of poisonous rhetoric this country can do without.— Ray Leech (@RayLeech) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP well this is embarrassing & disgraceful. You can't reason acts of domestic violence. Disappointing you're trying to justify it.— Sarah Elizabeth (@seramseys) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining Congrats! You just came close to surpassing Donald Trump in the repugnant politician competition!— Kirt Callahan (@KirtCallahan) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining That is pure BS. You're excusing abuse by blaming unemployment. Abusers abuse no matter what.— Susan Manderson (@Sue_Lib) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor You're legitimately blaming the NDP for spousal abusers? You and your party disgust me.— Rezelius (@Rezelius) December 1, 2015
@godougwinters @KikkiPlanet @ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor @MarieFrRenaud I fail to see how a bad economy justifies abuse. It's not justifiable.— Matthew McKellar (@MatthewMcKellar) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor you enable a culture of abuse with statments like this... How could you stoop so low.....— Matt Phillips (@ChefMPhillips) December 1, 2015
@ShannanLittle @ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud Disgusting comment. Need a public apology for that one.— Marie Aitken (@zrlb08) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP Your recent comments regarding violence and it's relationship to economic policy have solidified that you will never win my vote— LordTyrantChris (@780_340) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP Gross stupidity to say one country's new prov gov is responsible for recession with revolting attempt to also blame them for DV.— Blobulon (@Blobulon) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud That's The most disturbing thing from WRP I have heard yet, & there's lots to chose from. SHAME!— cheryl devin (@cldevin) December 1, 2015
@shelleyWRP Your comments on domestic violence are specious, spurious and shocking. Shame. @BrianJeanWRP #ableg @nenshi— Mark Patten (@pattenwilen) December 1, 2015
— Ryan (@FishermanIvan) December 1, 2015
.@ShelleyWRP my god. The shit you say *can* become even more deplorable than usual. Get a grip.— Peter Wegren (@PeterWegren) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud What a scurrilous pile of right-wing BS. Do you get pol "smarts" from Fox "News"?— Bruce Foster (@HobbesBruce) December 1, 2015
Glad to see Brian Jean condemn politicization of domestic violence by his candidate @ShelleyWRP: https://t.co/21knRE1Dos #AbLeg— Dave Beninger (@DaveBeninger) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor That is the dumbest thing I have ever read on Twitter. Thank you for officially beating out Japanese snot porn.— Don Eglinski (@eglinski) December 1, 2015
Alberta's WRP draws line between NDP economic plans and violence in the community @CBCNews @ShelleyWRP seriously! https://t.co/vrXAVEIPBt— Terry Cotton (@nottoct) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud 'Attack' on economy? What positive effect is your bog politicking contributing to the community?— fhaedra (@fhaedra) December 1, 2015
@SteveRickettsSP @Frazzling @ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud it's a good thing...more they blab the more ignorance is exposed.— albertarabbit (@albertarabbit) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP You're a complete embarrassment. Try not to be so completely repugnant in future.— Flukeman Gruszecki (@colonel2sheds) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining @MarieFrRenaud What an unbelievably vile thing to say. Do yourself a favour and leave the internet.— FreakPirate (@FreakPirate) December 1, 2015
@KikkiPlanet I should have introduced her 2 my wealthy uncle who took off his belt infront of us & dragged my Aunt in2 bedroom @ShelleyWRP— Dave D (@answerallman) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor OMG. Stop talking. This is getting so gross. Do you know the stats at all in any way?— Lisa Lambert (@lemonsinalberta) December 1, 2015
— Jon Miranda (@jonnihomicide) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @BrianJeanWRP @MarieFrRenaud Shelly, embarrassed for you & #WRP. You show lack of comprehension of economy. Worse, lack of class— Luke Fevin (@According2Luke) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP what about the rising trend pre ndp? What a silly statement ! Shame on you— Kaleigh Knievel (@kailesandchyna) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP you and your party are absolutely disgusting - shame on you all for perpetuating violence. #ableg— Daniel (@dnl_stvn) December 1, 2015
Shockingly obtuse and insensitive comment from @ShelleyWRP ... https://t.co/XYs5l9jQfG— Brahm Kornbluth (@brahmkornbluth) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @thatSilvaLining truly ignorant— jim horne (@lookup2c) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP your suggestion that abndp causing domestic violence wld be laughable if it wasn't so reprehensible @DaveBeninger @MarieFrRenaud— MH (@MelissaJHills) December 1, 2015
@ShelleyWRP @T8NTraynor What makes it worse is ignorant comments from ignorant people like you.— Angry Man (@stephenhall_ab) December 1, 2015
You @ShelleyWRP & the malignant hateful libertarian cult you sold your withered soul to are social cancers. #cdnpoli https://t.co/wExBiov6Ft— kirk murphy (@kirkmurphy) December 1, 2015
— Shannon N. (@5gatos) December 1, 2015