
@SCCDP - They are an invading army besieging my closest ally

Sorry to break it to you, but illegal immigrants to the United States don't do any of my gardening: I do that.

Illegal immigrants to the United States don't take care of "my" seniors: I do that.

Illegal immigrants to the United States don't even pick my food: the aforementioned seniors do a bit of that from their own gardens but that's a side hustle. My food is generally pulled from abattoirs and wrapped into cellophane by my local Safeway employee.

Illegal immigrants to the United States certainly don't clean my home. I clean my own home....I'm going to say even though it's not especially true as a few of you know.

Meanwhile I know what is being "given" to them: most critically is occupancy in the United States of America, despite the fact they are an invading army meant to replace my (mostly) loyal ally and NATO partner. They have seized territory and refuse to give it up, commit crimes against the lawful government of my aforementioned ally, and aim to create a mirror to their own psycho states right on my doorstep.

Do you know what I do to the enemy of my ally? I use military force to kill them.

I know exactly who these illegal aliens are. I know exactly what should be given to them and the only topic up for debate is the calibre.