
"Edmonton Whines About Silly Shit", a new Edmonton Journal featurette

Tonight in our head-to-head battle: which Edmonton Journal article features the most insane whining from Edmontonians?

Exhibit A:

Walters said he has heard numerous complaints about the process from constituents.

While the boxes will be put on land the city either owns or has a legal easement to use, many adjoining residents care for the properties as if they belonged to them, he said.

“If suddenly people are going to be coming on to your lawn to pick up their mail, these people have a right to be concerned,” he said.

Exhibit B:
It’s a common occurrence for Thomas and other northwest Edmonton residents who are asking city council to help silence the racket. The whistles warn of trains approaching an uncontrolled crossing at 162nd Avenue, near 142nd Street.

“It comes three or four times a day,” Thomas said.

“Middle of the night. Every day. Early morning.”

When he bought the year-old home, which backs onto the tracks, he was told the train came perhaps once a week.

You decide!