
In the face of these brutish charges, I choose to prove most of them right

Richard Warman takes on Freedominion.ca:

PLEASE BE ADVISED that you have written words and/or published words that are defamatory and libelous to me appearing on the website "www.freedominion.ca.

The material appears on web pages within the following threads:


2) Richard Warman attacks free speech...

i) repeats the allegation that I am the "censorship champion"


iii) repeats the libels of Paul Fromm in describing me as
- an enemy of freedom and censor; anti-free speech campaigner; a nasty piece of work;


vi) reposts the entirety of the original libel notice dated 10 September 2007 thus republishing the libels contained therein
vii) again reposts the contents of the libel notice thus republishing the libels, adopts many of the libels therein, and accuses me of being on a "censorship rampage"


ix) that I "attack free speech"


xvii) that I am a bully abusing the Ontario Human Rights Commission


xxviii)repeats the libel at xxvii and states that I am a bully and minor-league thug attempting to use the law to silence, suppress, and censor things that offend my tender sensibilities


xxxix) that I am using taxpayer money to throttle the Internt; that I am part of a nasty group of enemies of free speech; that one of this group's key aims is the persecution of free thinkers on the Internet;


xl) contains repeated pictorial representations that I equal a frightening muzzling of Canadians


xlix) republishes libels 1, 3, and 18 of the original libel notice along with stating that "... a system of self-imposed one-sided censorship known as political correctness couldn't function without self-hating activists like Warman helping to enforce it."


l) repeatedly includes a pictorial representation that if I disapprove of what others say I will silence them


lv) alleges that I have made a career out of silencing people on the Internet


lx) republishes the libel at 18 in the original libel notice dated 10 September 2007
Somehow I'm not entirely sure that you help your case by claiming you've been libelled as a libel-lawsuit-happy activist. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure you can't libel somebody by posting a copy of a libel notice they've sent.