
@rollforlearning - The best people in your schools aren't represented and instead you are disgustingly shaming them

Evil dyke (but I'm repeating myself) Shawna is very concerned that children whose parents are swingers aren't going to be "fairly represented" in schools, unless their textbooks and other resources reference (positively, of course) their perverted lifestyle.

As you might have guessed, endorsing an unacceptable perversion is certainly on-brand for Shawna and her ilk. Thinking that these nutters "deserve" representation is equally predictable, even though it's wrong. While she certainly seems interested in teaching kids about swingers (even swinger parents tend not to tell their children until they become adults, in much the same way and for much the same reason they never tell their children about being slum landlords or car thieves),she isn't giving much reason of why she has to. Clearly she's incapable of actual "good faith" engaging, but if she were she should be required to answer this question:

You have kids with socially conservative families in our schools, so how are you representing them with your books and practices?

Unlike uranists and trannies and swingers,we actually have a solid moral and intellectual foundation to our lifestyle. I guarantee that Shawna's "equity library" doesn't have anything by Ted Byfield or Rod Dreher or Jonathon Van Maren.

So why don't the children with the highest calibre of family get their representation? Why is Shawna only promoting illegitimate lifestyle choices?

Oh, right: self-preservation.