
Modern cops are so shitty they can't even successfully frame George "Gorilla" Floyd

Steven Sailor: the Memphis cops are the result of what the "systemic racism is a problem even though there's literally no evidence for it" crowd asked for a decade earlier.

Since Ferguson nine years ago, American elites have been obsessing over their paranoid delusions about invisible and largely imaginary “systemic racism,” while ignoring the basic blocking and tackling of how to assemble a police force that makes more good decisions than bad decisions under stress: hire recruits with the raw intelligence and conscientiousness to become well-trained, and then train them hard.

For instance, because courts have never dared apply to the military the 1972 Griggs decision making it harder to use IQ-like hiring exams, the Pentagon has an utterly immense data set documenting how testing and training work together in improving on-the-job performance.

But almost nobody in positions of influence during the BLM era could remember that quality potential police officers are scarce, especially black ones.

After all, it’s racist to notice realities that don’t conform to the Narrative. On Monday, for instance, The New York Times began its listing of Penn law professor Amy Wax’s speechcrimes with:

Amy Wax, a law professor, has said publicly that “on average, Blacks have lower cognitive ability than whites…”
Now, you know and I know that’s likely the most thoroughly documented fact in all of American social science. But nobody else remembers that anymore. And what is unsayable eventually becomes inconceivable.

The conventional wisdom during the Great Awokening has assumed that high-potential but underemployed black workers were available in practically infinite supply due to severe discrimination against competent blacks.

Granted, that’s been an absurd idea since some point in the 1960s.

But you may disagree. You may have evidence. But, ask yourself, is it worth losing your job as tenured professor Amy Wax seems likely to?

“We would voice our concerns, and it would go on deaf ears,” said James Lash, a former academy instructor and Crisis Intervention Team coordinator for the Memphis department who retired in 2022. “There were several officers in that group [that beat] Tyre Nichols that everybody wondered about when they were in the academy. You reap what you sow.”

And since diversity hires are always inferior to the white resume you passed over, people die as a result.

Possibly unrelated: how did a curiously-racially-anonymous 16 year old kid successfully ambush and kill two Edmonton cops and nobody seems interested in where he got the gun?