
My Definition of a Boombastic Jazz Style Cold Start

Here's a video of a guy in Edmonton starting his car in -34C weather (without having plugged it in... whoops!).

And now, to be funny, a guy "cold starting" his Subaru in...



drumroll please...




-4C. Oooohhhhh, scary

"These cars are good in the cold weather." It better be good! It's barely below freezing! The notion that a "red truck over there" actually failed to start in -4C temperatures should be a massive source of embarassment.

This actually reminds me of winter of 1995: I was in Camrose visiting a friend, and her roommate had a friend up from the Pacific Northwest. It went to -43C overnight, it was -39C at the time, and his car wouldn't start. He comes in to wonder why, and of course we all laugh at him: dude, didn't you plug it in?

Er, no, of course he'd never even heard of such an idea (and didn't have a block heater, naturally). So now he wants to start his car, and asks how to fix the problem. Well, it had been parked for at least 2 days, so I let him know he would have to tow it inside a heated garage (the place we stayed at didn't have one) and after maybe 8 hours (more like 12) it would be warm enough to start. This wasn't fast enough for him. What about a tiger torch? After we patiently explained that he probably didn't want to catch his car on fire and/or blow it up and/or lay under the car with a tiger torch for 20 minutes, he resigned himself to...actually, I don't know how the story ends, as I had to leave before the situation resolved itself. Hmmm, wonder whatever happened to that guy.

So with talk of a cold car not starting, and a Dream Warriors-inspired post title, you think I could include their cover of Edmonton Block Heater? Nope. How about linking to the song on fast.fm or something? Nope. Maybe the Pursuit of Happiness cover? Er, also not available.

Well, at the very least you can listen to the Edmonton-formed Vancouver-based pop group Edmonton Block Heater on MySpace.