
Fake News always bans comments

Another media outlet has removed commenting because "mean people" have "hijacked it":

For more than a decade, we’ve tried to improve the commenting climate on our sites. The goal has been to create a forum for a civil, open exchange of ideas where readers could offer relevant feedback and criticism of our work.

Over the years, we’ve invested in several methods to try and accomplish this. None of it has worked. The comments at the bottom of far too many Inquirer.com stories are toxic, and this has accelerated due to the mounting extremism and election denialism polluting the national discourse. You deserve better than that.

Racism has been a persistent presence in Inquirer comments. The Inquirer is committed to making the changes required to be an actively anti-racist news organization. Removing comments is a step in the right direction, with many more to come.
So if you engage in "election denialism" (about 2020, of course, not 2016!) you aren't allowed to provide "feedback and criticism" about their news stories...even those about the 2020 election that Donald Trump won and FakePresident Biden stole.

If you oppose the claims and aims of #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherFucker activists, or decry their methods, then your comment will (in true Orwellian "anti-racist news" fashion) be falsely described as "racist" and now you aren't allowed to comment either. Further efforts from the Philadelphia Inquirer to publish falsehoods under the guise of "anti-racist news" will never be met with any form of criticism or feedback. As usual, these people talk about a "conversation" but then avoid actual conversations at all costs.

The Inquirer claims they will continue to seek feedback and criticism of their stories. They're lying, of course. Just keep your eye out for a letter to the editor, say, calling out their Opinion section, who published a Helen Ubiñas editorial praising 'anti-violence' protesters, for being silent on small anti-abortion or anti-lockdown protests. Hint: you ain't going to see it. You won't see a counterpoint article describing white-owned businesses that deserve your support.

You'd see it in the comments. And that's why they got rid of them: their narrative lives on lies, and comments lay that bare.