
The inside scoop on that nurse in the burning car

By now most of Alberta, if not the west, has heard the sad tale of Shernell Sharon Pierre, the city nurse who was murdered and set ablaze in a car to cover up evidence.

Well, I have a relatively inside scoop on the case that should reveal a little bit of information. First off, Pierre is from St. Vincent, the Caribbean island. Apparently after moving to Canada she entered in a relationship with a Jamaican man who turned out to be already married to another woman. Pierre broke the relationship off. The Jamaican man left his wife intending to be with Pierre instead, but by that time Pierre had already returned to St. Vincent, married a man from there, and brought him back to Edmonton.

Pierre apparently brought her new husband home two weeks ago. Now she's dead. Anybody want to bet more thant $0.15 that Shernell Sharon Pierre was murdered by this Jamaican man? I thought not.

Update, March 18 2008 7:03pm: An updated post discussing the first three comments below has been posted, including vital information for any reporters or police officers who may come across this entry.

Update, April 1 2012 1:27pm:For further updates on this case that occurred, see these posts on the arrest of Devon Hugh Saunders, our "Jamaican man" described above, and how I was exposed for a second time into insider info on the case, this time by somebody close to the murderer.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm a reporter at CTV News in Edmonton. I was just reading your comments and wondering where you heard this information about Shernell Pierre.

Please give me a call. You can speak anonymously if you want. But I think this kind of information will help police and should be known.

My cell number is 233-2772

Anonymous said...

i call that report malicious and i dont believe you have a inside scoop and if your scoop is so reliable you should inform police instead of using the internet to spread rumors trying to distroy people intigrity

Anonymous said...


I am a reporter with the Edmonton Sun. I would also like to speak with you about Shernell Pierre.

Even if you're not interested in speaking on the record, please e-mail me at nicki.thomas@sunmedia.ca.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the names of these men that where in her life, is there pictures?