
Post #900 Baby!

Well, after what seemed like forever, its time for the 900th post on this humble lil' blog o' mine.

A long time of no updates has meant its now a frightful five months since the 800th post on June 27. Still, I did get a few posts in [100 or so, I'm guessing -ed] and time to crunch the frightful statistics: in June, after the 800th post, we had four posts over 3 days, 12 hours, and 40 minutes, for a post every 0.88 days (ie every 21 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds). In July, we had 10 posts in 31 days for a post every 3.1 days (ie every 3 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes, 0 seconds). In August, 18 posts in 31 days for a post every 1.72 days (ie every 1 day, 17 hours, 20 minutes, 0 seconds). In September, 14 posts in 30 days for a posting every 2.14 days (ie every 2 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes, 17.143 seconds). October saw a much more respectable 38 posts in 31 days, for a posting every 0.816 days (ie every 19 hours, 34 minutes, 44.211 seconds). As for November, we had 14 posts in 14 days, 19 hours, and 50 minutes for a post every 1.059 days (ie every 1 day, 3 hours, 32.5 minutes). In total, 99 posts in 141.346 days, meaning over the last 100 entries you saw a new post every 1.428 days (ie every 1 day, 10 hours, 15 minutes, 56.51 seconds).

Well, okay, so I fell off on my posting speeds a little bit. Clues as to why can be found here and here.

Coming up in the next 100 posts will be the Third Edge of the Sword Countdown to 1000 posts, as well as the site's 2-year anniversary and all sorts of fun and interesting things. [Rumours of these 'fun and interesting things' being the final Fringe Festival reviews have yet to be revealed, even to me... -ed]

As for now, let's look at the "best in show" since June, as always arranged by category:
Best Reads:

  • In perhaps one of the most genius things I ever wrote, I invent a new sexual revolution. I've already signed my ex on board, as well as a female co-worker. Okay, so neither of them are my enemies, so its not yet worked to my gain, but get out there Edmonton guys! They're waiting for you!
  • "Deus Ex", the hit computer game, takes another small step closer to reality.
  • When Mark Steyn links to a French website, BabelFish almost comes to the rescue. (Note: Not in the "teleporting you to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe" as the Earth explodes sense)
  • "North of the 49th Parallel" has entered the lexicon so pervasively it took Third Edge of the Sword to examine how blatently inaccurate it really is.
  • Why does Newfoundland still have problems filling jobs?

Well, here's to the next 100 posts being filled slightly faster than the previous ones. Of course, it would help if I did these reviews within 10 days of the previous posting...


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congrats on 900 posts ! ! !

Might I suggest post #901



Shameless plug.....LOL