Puffin bird championed as Liberal symbol:
"It's a noble bird because it has good family values. They stay together for 30 years,'' Ignatieff said Thursday outside a Liberal caucus retreat in the Newfoundland capital.
"They lay one egg (each year). They put their excrement in one place. They hide their excrement. ... They flap their wings very hard and they work like hell.
Of course, 30 is actually 8 in people years...
(fringe reviews coming soon, i promise)
Update, 6:39pm: Bonus Puffin facts from the Wikipedia page:
- All three puffin species have large bills. -- No kidding!
- This allows them to take longer foraging trips, since they can come back with more energy for their chick than a bird that can only carry one fish at a time. -- "The Liberal Party is the most successful political machine in the Western democratic world. Widely referred to as the “natural governing party” of Canadian politics..."
- The Atlantic Puffin is sexually mature at age 5-6. -- No wonder the Lieberals were so against the age of consent being raised to 16...
- A puffin can sometimes have a dozen or more fish in its beak at once. -- Or brown envelopes, one assumes...
- On the island of Lundy the number has decreased dramatically in recent years (the 2005 breeding population is estimated to be only two or three pairs) -- Well, we know that the Liberals were quickly ceasing to be breeders, but who knew it was this bad?