
Wow, way to live up to your blog name

Tilting at Windmills has a plan to possibly bring the NDP in a position to one day form the government, that actually includes the phrase "could hardly cost them [NDP] seats in either province [Alberta/Quebec]"

Well geesh, if we're looking to plans that the NDP could enact to keep their Alberta seat count from diminishing, there are no shortage of ideas:

  1. They could vow to murder all babies born into families earning more than $160,000
  2. They could start campaigning naked
  3. Howard Dean could be parachuted in as the next leader
  4. Svend Robinson could visit Alberta and try to sleep with every male voter
  5. They could seek endorsement from motorcycle gangs
  6. Guarantee to bring back the National Energy Program
  7. Kindly request that Alberta stop digging all this oil out of the ground
  8. Propose a mandatory cross-breeding program with Saskatchewan
  9. Go on tour with Kanye West and the Black Eyed Peas
  10. Have Paul Brandt assassinated
  11. Knock down all of Alberta's cell phone towers
  12. Ban Wal-Mart gun sales... and then ban Wal-Mart entirely
  13. Get Raj Pannu live on stage to have a debate with a Chicago-school economist
  14. Remind us again that sodomite-marriage was their idea
  15. Brag about how the NDP are guarded by armed private security while the populace is barred from gun ownership
  16. Perform satanic rituals on cattle
  17. Have a photo-op of Layton pissing on this sign and then again later that day on this sign too
  18. Walk around in a Toronto Maple Leaf jersey
  19. Proclaim vegetarianism, that's really been a strong traditional way to increase Alberta support
  20. Get a note put on the payroll slips of all companies in Alberta indicating what taxes "would be" if they were in charge
  21. Close down all the ski hills
  22. Call for an increase in the use of photo radar

    and finally.....

  23. Tell us what the NDP actually believes in