
The New Yorker accidentally speaks a Wuhan Flu truth

A March 3rd article in The New Yorker interviewed author Frank Snowden and he noted this:

I don’t quite go along with the response of the W.H.O., which praised this as wonderful public health. That makes me fearful. Is that to say that other regimes and other countries where there are strongmen ought to impose lockdowns, as was tried with Ebola in West Africa, where it didn’t work? That terrifies me. I don’t think that’s the lesson. I think it’s the more nuanced approach, that probably it wasn’t working so well in China, and, indeed, Xi Jinping is willing to say, unlike the World Health Organization, oddly enough, that there were mistakes that were made and that they’d had to change course, and that they need to learn from those mistakes. I think that’s what China was able to do.

That’s interesting, because earlier you were saying that the World Health Organization, or at least members of it, was calling on people to find their common humanity, but at the same time you’re saying they’re also willing to praise a response that was, at least initially, somewhat inhumane.

Yes. I’m not justifying it, but I can say I can understand it, because it would be terrible to alienate the largest member of the World Health Assembly and to alienate a country that’s in the midst of this extraordinary crisis. So I can understand why it happened. At the same time, there’s been a great deal of stress on total honesty, producing evidence, communication, data-based, factual, scientific approaches to public health, and that is not what happened at the early stages of the Chinese response. It did come into play later on.
So does The New Yorker remember what they said six weeks ago and adjust their coverage accordingly?

Of course not. They're a far-left media organization, and lying is at the core of what they do.