
Ezra vs. Porter

Porters social justice worldview sidebar: Almost forgotten in this affair is the ludicrous other stuff from Porters talk about the Jobs, Justice and Climate March. (Sidebar to the sidebar: the protesters want free money, not jobs; social justice, not actual justice; an end to industry, not climate). Right from the start Porter was using her own colour to describe Ezra: Lyla asked what he was doing. I told her that he was belittling him, because Levant doesn’t believe climate change is being caused by humans. That’s like calling a blue car yellow, she responded. How can he not believe in climate change?” The answer (that like so many deniers Ezra has bothered to look into the situation for more than eleven femtoseconds, unlike the SJW idiots who believe whatever David Suzuki throws at them) wasnt really what they were after. They were after validation of a silly thesis: 
Protests don’t change anything, she’d replied to my suggestion. Since then, I’ve been working to convince her otherwise. We visited the Greenpeace warehouse in Leslieville twice so she could make her placard alongside some other young activists. This was a success. The activists were welcoming and fun, and she loves art. This was a warehouse full of art supplies! And now we were here at Queen’s Park, surrounded by thousands of people with signs and banners and costumes and drums, and my 9-year-old was preparing to brawl with Levant, arguably the one person in the crowd who would confirm her doubts. Porter was terrified that her daughter might hear the other side, learn a dissenting opinion. My God, if that happens, it might even be successful! This is what the left really hates about Ezra Levant, which explains why from the Orwellian Alberta Human Rights Commissions to the tranny activists to the Law Society of Alberta, liberals are desperate to pull any trick in the book to shut him up. Not just him, mind you: the liberal instinct is to muzzle and censor the conservative voice. Were smarter, were more intellectually consistent, were more capable of defending our view. It also helps that it doesnt ebb and flow with the tides of history and forces us to defend today what we assailed against yesterday. The vegans rallied around us. We are not perfect, one told Lyla. But we’re trying. He’s entitled to his opinions. But we all think otherwise, another said. I realized two things. One, I couldn’t control Lyla’s experience at the protest any more than I could control her time at recess. And two, why waste this precious time arguing? You can do that every day on the subway. The whole point of coming here was to be surrounded by like-minded people. See, we are not the only people worrying in our basement about future floods and fleeing migrants and dying polar bears! There were thousands of others, spilling down Queen’s Park as far we could see. What a hopeful sight. The power of a protest is not just the result, but also the process. See? I think that Porters view of the protest, a chance to huddle in the self-contained bubble that the left cannot live without, isnt unique to her. Weve seen it from the cowardly liberals who have to hide from me on Twitter lest their worldviews be called into question. The whole point of coming here was to be surrounded by like-minded people remember. Not to learn about the issue, discuss the issue, hone your views and perhaps learn how to better reflect and defend them. No, its just to show that youre part of the group. You arent an isolated free thinker with your own views that you can be proud of. But thats okay! None of us are either! Were all far-left liberal sheep and once one of us wanders off a cliff the rest of us wont mind following. Oh, what fun. We were in a parade! Hey, ho, Stephen Harper has got to go, the women behind us chanted, and Lyla joined in. This is what democracy looks like. No, its what a mob looks like. Democracy would by its nature involve talking, listening, and yes -- debating. You know debating, right? Thats the thing that you went apeshit with the prospect of having to do with Ezra. In democracy you might actually have to change somebodys mind: convince somebody who doesnt think like you to think like you. Your faggy little parade has suckered in the people with pea-sized brains like you, but real people with their own ideas attitudes and agendas are a different matter. Stepher Harper doesnt have to go. Unless the populace decides through the system of representative democracy weve established that an alternative should take office, he wont be going anywhere. I certainly dont want him to be replaced by Trudeau and Mulcair, so either Porter finds me a better option or convinces me otherwise, Ill work harder than her to keep Harper right where he is. Will this protest change something? she asked, while we were walking down Dundas St. W. I turned to other parents in the crowd to give her their responses. One father told her it will convince politicians that climate change is a big issue for the upcoming election. (Good point.) Another, walking with his two sons, said he thought it would encourage other people to get involved — people who are worried but haven’t done anything yet. (Agreed.) Change doesn’t happen swiftly. It builds up, I told her. You never know which crack will unleash the dam. Those pesky facts keep getting in Porters way, dont they? Climate change isnt a big issue for the upcoming election -- Ezras The Rebel had a story just this week about how low a priority global warming really is -- so that first father is wrong. So is the other one: as I noted already other people getting involved need more reasons than a goofball in a rubber chicken and the lies in a Catherine Porter column. The column ends, as all columns in Canada by enviro-nutters must, with some blathering about a Red Indian who can teach us the way even though their backwards culture was far harder on the environment per capita than ours could ever be. But this little girl got to touch an eagle feather and listen to a salsa band. Isnt that better than discussing the issues of the day? Of course, knowing what we now know about Porter, the odds are good there was no eagle feather, either.
The battle between Catherine Porter and Ezra Levant is heating up.

The far-left activist who also writes propaganda columns for the Toronto Star wrote a column earlier this month about a far-left rally that she was using as a chance to teach lies to her child. She and Ezra had an encounter, and she wrote about it.
And now we were here at Queen’s Park, surrounded by thousands of people with signs and banners and costumes and drums, and my 9-year-old was preparing to brawl with Levant, arguably the one person in the crowd who would confirm her doubts.

Instead he honed his microphone onto me. Did I own a car? Were my clothes made from synthetics? See, I was a hypocrite! Why did I think I was better than everyone else?

“You’re being mean to my mom,” Lyla whispered before Levant walked away.
Let's just say that this was a jumping point for Ezra. He wrote a letter to the editor in response, disputing Porter's description of what happened during the event. Unfortunately for Porter, Ezra was there with his Rebel.Media organization, and took a video of (most) of the event. Ezra posted the video, shared it with thousands, and asked the Red Star to explain their rogue columnist.

Porter was belligerent on social media after the column but before the video. Ezra played up the theatrics, naturally, but along with the slow buildup to the video he was giving Porter just enough rope to hang herself with. By the time Ezra had posted the video, Porter was on "a long canoe trip".

In absentia, the Toronto star's Public Editor Kathy English condemned Porter's column is a bizarre article half mea culpa but half "oh that mean old Ezra.
It is an understatement to say there are ideological differences between Toronto Star columnist Catherine Porter and conservative commentator Ezra Levant.

Porter, a National Newspaper Award-winning journalist, is a “social justice activist/columnist” for the Star. Levant, a well-known — and certainly controversial — former host with the now-defunct Sun News Network, describes himself as a “lawyer, author and all-round trouble-maker” who is now “rebel commander” of therebel.media, his start-up “news, opinion and activism” website.
Porter’s column and Levant’s letter provide two opposing narratives on what happened between the pair when Porter took her nine-year-old daughter, Lyla, to her first protest.

That’s not particularly surprising: ask a half dozen people to describe what they believe happened at a traffic accident in which they were involved or witnessed and you’re likely to receive as many different narratives with each storyteller fixed on contradictory details and omitting or confusing relevant information. Discerning the “truth” in such situations is never easy.

In the case of this run-in, however, there is video evidence that tells its own truth, at least when the camera was turned on. As we’ve seen in widely circulated videos that have captured wayward police in action, video can provide powerful evidence of what happened when trying to sort out conflicting narratives. But, it doesn’t always tell the entire story, and as you will see, what is not captured on camera remains a significant issue of serious journalistic concern.
Porter acknowledges she fell short here: “I made some mistakes,” she told me.

Editor Michael Cooke concurs: “Catherine Porter especially regrets these failings, and I apologize on behalf of the paper. Lessons learned. The hard way,” he said.

“The public editor’s column and an up-coming column by Catherine Porter herself are the Star’s best efforts to correct this.
(emphasis mine)

So Porter on Tuesday posted her "best efforts to correct this". I'd hate to see her second-best effort.
Afterwards, I wrote a column about the protest for the Star, which started with the encounter with Levant. In it, I critically described his demeanor and conduct.

This too was a mistake. I did not attend the rally intending to write about Levant. I had my notepad with me but didn’t take notes then.
He maintains I did not identify myself as a Star journalist. I did, as I always do.

Levant also maintains that I pushed my daughter upon him like some overzealous stage mother. I did not.

Raw video provided to the Star by Levant clearly shows my daughter doing what I described in the column.

She can be seen approaching him to see what’s going on, walking back to me and picking up her sign, then returning to Levant.

She can be seen standing beside Peter McQueen, the man in the chicken costume, waiting for her turn to talk to Levant.

Levant described this scene as a fiction I had made up. It was not.
On reflection, the tape shows I portrayed Levant in a harsher light in my column than his conduct warranted. I should have written that he was polite to my daughter and that the fight — by which I meant a heated argument — I mentioned was not with her but with me. For that, I apologize.
As apologies go, it's pretty weak. Social media reaction on Tuesday was almost across-the-board condemnation of the weak "apology".

There's little doubt that this is the last of the matter. Now Porter's facing double condemnation: first from Ezra's legion of fans and followers, who won't give her or her media masters any breaks from this story or any other set biased media accounts you find in the Toronto Star daily. Secondly, she'll be condemned from her own side, the treasured souls who think leftist activist journalism is sacred and that by being caught lying so blatantly that she gave Ezra more clout, more credibility, and more fans and followers.