
Your handy guide for Edmonton School Board choices

Editor's Note: this piece is in regards to an ongoing election campaign. It identifies specific public figures who have, through their public actions, demonstrated viewpoints which all right-thinking people find abhorrent and will continue to fight regardless of attempted interference in matters of public policy.

Tomorrow is the municipal elections, which includes school board candidates. It can be a tough decision to make since 90% of the time the candidate is somebody you've never heard of, they provide little concrete evidence of their political aims, and haven't even provided your home with any promotional material.
Edmonton Public Teachers asked candidates to take a pledge committing to seven principles, including respecting the privacy of students who join a gay-straight alliance. Twenty-nine of the 40 contenders have signed it.
As we've noted many a time, these Faggot-Familiar Alliances are purely evil. The uranists love them because they provide more underage boys to molest, and the general left loves them because anything evil gives them the tickles. But the pledge contains even more horrible ideas promoted by the corrupt Alberta Teachers Association:
"I pledge that if elected as an Edmonton Public School Board trustee, I will:
1. Publicly oppose any piloting or implementation of the new K-6 draft curriculum and any future curriculum that does not comply with all parts of this pledge.
2. Actively weave the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls To Action into school cultures and classrooms.
3. Advance anti-racism education in our schools.
4. Support the right of students to join Gay-Straight, Queer-Straight, or Gender-Sexuality Alliances in schools without their parents/guardians being notified.
5. Petition the government to fully fund Specialized Learning Supports for disabled students and students with diverse needs.
6. Advocate for increased money for public education to ensure adequate, predictable, sustainable funding for school divisions.
7. Insist the government use public tax dollars for the public school system ONLY."
Let's first briefly go through these, why the union wants it, and why anybody who isn't a retard doesn't.
  1. First off is the "new K-6 draft curriculum". I haven't written anything about it because its incredibly anodyne and quite frankly still puts too much far left activism in front of students under the guise of learning. Alex Ahmed summarized it for the Western Standard back in March and he was more than a little too rah-rah in favour. For one thing, Willie Littlechild praises it for telling his favoured lies about Red Indians. Anything validated by him is fundamentally flawed and needs to be changed until he absolutely hates it: the "history of Residential Schools" is entirely from the (false) side of the activists. There's an entire section on nigger history too, in case you thought it was something approaching rational with the big red exception. Meanwhile since the rest of this pledge demands future curricula follow the six remaining tenants, read on to see how ridiculous this line is.
  2. Next is the idea of "weaving" the TRC calls to action into schooling. Of course, as you're well aware, I've already opposed all 94 calls to action and why. Gee I've had to link a lot to that one lately.
  3. Remember, when these leftists talk about "anti-racism" it has nothing to do with racism. What they call "racism" not only isn't racist, it's a good thing. This is, of course, the horribly toxic CRT which "educators" who are actually advocates have been promoting in the U.S. so heavily this past year (and in Edmonton too, as it happens).
  4. I already linked above to how horrible the Faggot-Familiar Alliance has been, but just in case you need convincing here's another one.
  5. Hey do you remember the "short bus"? Even if you weren't around in the era that retard kids were put in their own special class you remember the Chris Rock routine about it. Well these days they instead put the kids in with the general population with special (unionized, typically) "support staff" to help calm the "down kid" down when he starts hollering and clutching his ears for no apparent reason. In the shot bus era the only kids whose "learning" was disrupted were the other retards: no loss to society. But now of course it's a distraction to all kids. I'd much prefer a candidate advocate an end to "support staff" for retarded kids and instead put them all in a room and work on spending the next 12 years teaching them not to eat glue. Having them waste a seat and their tantrums waste a lecture teaching students who might benefit from learning about fractions or (less likely) phonics befits nobody
  6. More money for public education? No, how about less money. To pick a semi-random number out of a hat, how about...$1.886B?
  7. Then finally they really hate charter schools. They really really hate parents being able to make educational choices that NDP pillow biters aren't in favour of. Nevermind of choice the improved educational outcomes (both in academic and non-academic areas of measure) which school choice causes, there's also the moral aspect. Quinn and her shitty teachers want to undermine parental education on subjects that they know next to nothing about. Giving parents the right to say "no thanks" without also robbing them for a public education system they have clearly lost faith in is a no-brainer.
pun intended

So now that we know why trustees who signed this pledge deserve to be exiled from Alberta on pain of death rather than elected to public office, the question becomes who agreed to this garbage? Again, Quinn has helped us out here.
Ward A (public, north):
Only one candidate, Everline (or is it Everlyn?) Olee, did not sign the pledge. That, and a Mike Nickel endorsement, puts her above every other candidate (especially #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherFucker nutter Belen Samuel).
Ward B (public, northeast):
Again, only one candidate, Esther Ekpe Adewuyi, did not sign the pledge. There isn't much else on her website to say anything about her good or bad, but at least she isn't signing up for promoting FFAs.
Ward C (public, northwest):
This time you have two candidates: Leticia Gomez and Lisa Shefsky. But don't just flip a coin! Gomez actively wants more done to advance the lie that Residential Schools were harmful, while Shefsky actively promotes traditional values including the fundamental human right to free expression. She opposes the draft curriculum for the same reasons I did: it's too leftist (she throws in a bone about it being too contentious just for fun).
Ward D (public, downtown): 
Your choice for Ward D couldn't be more clear. There are two candidates: one of whom signed the pledge and the other did not. It gets better than that though: the candidate who did was none other than anti-white criminal Trisha Estabrooks:
The Edmonton School Board then joined the fray, declaring that they too were searching for the identity of the dastardly thought criminals. Trisha Estabrooks, chair of the Edmonton School Board, declared the Instagram page “blatantly racist” in an interview with Global News. Estabrooks also seemed to promise further changes to the school curriculum, saying that this would be part of the discussion moving forward.
Getting rid of the disgusting cunt who opposes the entirely sensible phrase WHITE LIVES MATTER is a worthy goal on her own, even if her non-pledge-signing opponent Jen Martin turns out to be shitty (which, indeed, she sort of is).
Ward E (public, west):
Yet again only one candidate, Dawn Hancock, didn't sign the pledge. Like with Adewuyi above her website is so general in its scope you can't say much good or bad about her (except "diversity" and "social wellness tools" should never appear in any serious politician's literature.
Ward F (public, south-central):
I am very very very very very very very sorry, Ward F. Every single one of your candidates signed this evil document. I hope next time these names door-knock for support you knock back and hard. Your best option here is to spoil your ballot by clearly writing the name DONALD J. TRUMP rather than legitimize the ugly winner of this 'race' (where nobody disagrees).
Ward G (public, east):
There are two candidates to choose from again: Angela MacLaggan and Inderjeet Kaur Tuli. Since the latter has a locked Facebook account he clearly doesn't want the principled conservative vote. MacLaggan doesn't say much on her webpage, so if you happen to have access to Tuli's information and see something you like, I guess vote for him and leave a comment below as to why.
Ward H (public, southwest):
There are again only two candidates overall, and one who didn't sign the pledge: William (Bill) Haines who apparently isn't confident you know that Williams can be called Bill. CBC couldn't find a candidate page and instead only a Twitter thread about posting Rat Bastard 1.0's Charter of Rights and Freedoms in schools where he ultimately talks about charter schools being a cure for things like the Residential School System. He seems to be authentic about it, and I suppose it's no less crazy than advocates for a central public education system (as half the trustee candidates seem to be) suddenly finding it bad when it taught Red Indian kids out of necessity.
Ward I (public, southeast):
It's a big slate in this ward but only one of the seven candidates, Corrine Rondeau, didn't sign the pledge. (Another is called Ricardo Casonova which sounds like a joke candidate Adam Thrasher put up). Rondeau's platform doesn't inspire confidence (yes Corrine, it's corporations the public schools are selling out to, not to intersectional niggerfags with an agenda) but it's best we can do for you.
Ward 77 (Catholic, southeast):
For semi-obvious reasons Catholic school trustees didn't get the public school chapter survey. Surprisingly the ATA didn't have their Catholic teachers union involved as well. It doesn't help that only Ward 77 even has an election: the other 6 wards won by acclimation. There isn't much to say one way or the other here: Laura Thibert approvingly quotes SJW Pontiff Francis, so I guess that's a knock against her. Then again, Kara Pelech is somehow concerned there aren't enough Red Indians graduating. Pleasing your enemies doesn't make them your friends Kara.