
Happy Residential Schools Are Awesome Day!

If you've been following the endless hyped blather on outlets like CityTV, you'll know that today is the day one of the days whiny Red Indians have started to "commemmorate" the tragedy of...checks notes...being provided a free education.
That was Kurn's big takeaway of the event. A couple days ago he texted in jest that now that I've written about how progressives now want to end public healthcare, the woke idiots have started being upset about public education too. Pretty soon they'll demand an end to crippling taxes. Okay, well, they kind of have already...but I mean overall.

We've talked before about how ridiculous this all is. It was over a half-decade ago that I took the entire "Truth and Reconciliation" racket to task by highlighting some of these same public education factoids:
What are you talking about "reneging on the deal"? The Residential School program was intended to fulfill the deal: a modern education (functionally fairly similar to the British boarding school system, frankly). If you don't believe me, notice that the Canadian taxpayer is being asked to "live up to treaty obligations" by providing an ever-more-expensive modern education system (regardless, of course, with anything in the actual treaties, but that's par for the course).

If anything, the extra costs of the TRC and the apologies and the settlements and what-not mean that "we" the "Settler Nation" (hereafter called "the Nation") aren't "beneficiaries" of anything. The beneficiaries, both in terms of the education provided at the time (and the healthcare provided concurrently, a fact the TRC conveniently tried to turn onto its head), are entirely with the "First Nations" (hereafter called "not a Nation"). Considering that the treaty obligations have so one-sidedly been lived up to (Oka, Caledonia, etc. are explicit violations of the treaties by the not a Nations, and frankly Canada should revoke them on that basis alone), I don't see why we should be agonizing over "the benefits" even before you factor in that Palmeter is completely out to lunch about the resources. There's no sense "protecting" them as idyllic items to merely fawn over: they are used in the service of bettering the lives of Canadians regardless of what year their ancestors first set food on the soil (if they even did!) That process has been going on with a fair bit of success over the past couple-three centuries, and indeed emulating that success was exactly what the Residential Schools were intended to perform (which, on balance, they likely did as decent a job as they could be expected to).
That bit about today's modern education system is especially apt when you consider that Red Indians in Leduc Public typically skip school 50% of the time. Aside from cheap gags (this is why we forced them to live in schools!) it's worth noting that as adults they make less money than educated whites or asians and then complain about that. One minor inference might just be this complete and utter contempt they hold towards education is the cause of their suffering. Unlike "systemic racism" I can actually point to a mechanism that's causing it. They don't get educated, they don't get good jobs, their income is lower. See, this is easy!

This brings us, of course, to the ridiculous day they created today to "commemorate" schools which weren't actually bad. As we've established time and time and time and time again, none of the complaints with these schools holds any water, with the possible exception of sexual abuse. But was sexual abuse more common with nuns in stuffy 1920s Canada than it is today when faggot "educators" are molesting kids under the guise of "orientation"? We'll never know.

This goes back a ways. It was one of the 94 TRC Commission recommendations. Here's what I had to say about it then:
80. We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.
Another semi-famous one, a "national holiday" to mourn the best thing that ever happened to the Red Indian. For one, one would think a "vital component of the reconciliation process" would be the day where we stop agonizing over the supposed horrors of Residential Schools. How would a permanent "you suck" holiday achieve that? Would it have an end date? Would it be written into the legislation that in 2153 you start going back to work? Every statutory holiday costs the Canadian economy $6.9 billion in lost productivity. Per year. (this also impacts taxpayers, big surprise). You'd think that the Red Indian not working has cost the economy enough money already without adding to it. Yet a couple of dykes from Regina want this implemented immediately, on June 21st; you'd think they'd be dimly aware that this puts the national "Whites Are Evil for Being More Advanced" holiday a week before Dominion Day and three days before General Wolfe Appreciation Day. Of course, the fact that I'm not using the commonly understood terms for Canada Day and St. Jean the Baptiste Day speaks to the other side of this coin: the unwashed masses are unlikely to start spending a day off in June sitting in their home with war paint on their face crying over a candle in the dark, they're likely to do what they do on every holiday: party it up.
Traditional observance of Memorial day has diminished over the years. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored, neglected. In hopes of reviving observance of Memorial Day, and increasing travel and business, four federal three-day holidays were established in an by Act of Congress in 1971. While there are towns and cities that still hold Memorial Day parades, many have not held a parade in decades. The 2004 Washington D.C. Memorial Day parade was its first in over 60 years.
So we'll cost the Canadian economy billions (though not as many billions of tax money we already waste on the Red Indian) for a "commemoration" day that most will ignore and that will (as Ezra noted) entrench hostility rather than help move past it.
A few dozen Christian churches torched later, here we are: entrenched hostility. The day ended up being semi-randomly set to September instead of June because some student was told her clothing in school was unacceptable on or about this day, and we're supposed to get worked up over it. Forget that students are often to this very day told their clothing at school is inappropriate, from slutty teen girls to principled conservatives. Doesn't Maddie Mueller's "life matter"? When will the CBC and CityTV and public schools introduce "MAGA hat day" in Canadian schools, with an associated federal holiday to boot?

The whole "orange shirt" controversy brings to light the primary problem with the whole Residential School narrative. Everything that Red Indian activists are upset about is either a lie or not a big deal.

Let's stick with the second one: girl couldn't wear her shirt to school, was required to wear different clothes. We need a national memorial over this? What else was wrong with Residential Schools?

Well, children were "ripped" from their families to be sent to school. In a more accurate description, the schools were mandatory. Hey wait, don't we have mandatory schooling in Canada (for all races) to this very day? Like I noted earlier, public education as a concept now bothers them. School is mandatory: for logistical reasons the Residential Schools were the only practical way to educate them which meant the children had to go away for school. Hence "ripped". It wasn't like this British system was unique or abhorrent either. I reread Anna Karenina over the summer (future blogpost coming) and one of the many things I noticed was how much of the Tsarist Russian nobility were being sent away to British or French boarding schools in it.

Which brings us to our next point: "they weren't allowed to speak their language". Of course nowadays this is "immersion" and a key selling feature of many schools. Those Russians sent to British or French boarding schools also weren't allowed to speak Russian at them. Now also importantly for a boarding school, the children cannot be permitted to communicate in a language their teachers do not understand: every kid caught passing notes in class is aware of the risk of learning disruption when the teachers' message is being actively undermined by some underground resistance. In a school where you live, there's also a residential component which also can't be undermined. Again, it's essentially a English Immersion school similar to what the upper-crusts of contemporary European society were receiving. Why should we object to it now?

Oh, right, the "beatings". Mushy modern parlance where "words are literally violence" and "misinformation is directly killing people" are actual phrases people use apply "beating" far too liberally: what this was, and what anybody in the contemporary society would have recognized, was corporal punishment. It wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary for anybody educated in one-room schoolhouses across the country in the early half of the 20th century. In fact, public schools in Alberta still had the strap until the early 2000s, and shame on them for getting rid of them. I think we should bring corporal punishment back. Why would I object to it in the past?

Sexual abuse, of course, is bad. However when Residential Schools were first made a big deal in the 90s it was roughly estimated that the rate of sexual abuse was very low: somewhere in the 0.5% range. You might argue "any number is too high" and that's true, but how does that compare to late 20th century public education? Or how about today, when faggot teachers are openly permitted (and remember, 100% of faggots are child molesters). You don't think all these pillow biting teachers promoting their "two spirit and nonbinary" agenda are dithering little boys on the side? By almost any measure you can't imagine Residential Schools coming out of this looking anything but awesome.

The only other complaint left about Residential Schools then is that they were inherently Christian. We addressed this in a previous post, but as always I'll let Mom have the final word on this (just replace "infidels" with "whites and members of other tribes":
As for converting them to Christianity, I think it might be a good idea to get them on some sort of hobby other than slaughtering infidels. I mean, perhaps that's the Peace corps, perhaps it's working for Planned Parenthood, but I've never seen the transforming effect of anything like Christianity.
Modern leftists might scoff at this but leftists in 1900 certainly never would. What was wrong from converting them to a religion that, as the picture at the top of this post implies, would cure them of their barbaric savagery? To avoid offending 2021 atheists? Sounds like a bad idea to me.

One additional note has to be that as time goes on and memories of Residential Schools fade (as we've noted before) the attitude of Red Indians towards them has shifted. In the 60s, when a huge swatch of Red Indians had been in the schools basically since their inception and had children in the schools currently, they angrily demanded that the schools stay open. In the 90s, when Residential Schools started to be a scandal, Red Indians acknowledged there were some things about them they didn't like but on the whole they were forces for good...at a time when far fewer schools operated, and the character of the older schools had (like in all education) significantly changed. The last Residential School, the activists remind us, was closed in 1997 (or 1996, reminding us how good their oral history skills are) but that school and a 1931 school wouldn't have been anything alike.

So that's the truth of the Residential Schools that they don't like. Now onto the lie. I'll be quick on this, it's already been covered.

There aren't 215 dead kids in Kamloops. There aren't 751 dead kids in Saskatchewan. Until you dig up any bodies, it's just the claim of Red Indian activists.

If this is the first time you're even aware of this, ask why the media have continually lied to you? Why do they keep promoting this myth that Residential Schools were bad, even as every piece of purported "evidence" has failed to actually materialize? If you believe so many bodies were found, why don't we know their demographic makeup? What were the causes of death? Why do you think ground penetrating radar detects organic matter?

This whole "holiday" is a lie, and I won't take part. Neither should you.


@bonerpiss - Thank you for advocating to privatize the Canadian healthcare system

Viro Fascist is perhaps too kind of  a word to describe hateful lunatics like this. On the bright side though, we've gotten them to stop this "public healthcare is a human right" nonsense haven't we?

So if public healthcare's flaw is that they can't turn anybody away, sounds like a good reason to privatize it and then any hospital and any patient can choose each other. That is what BonerPiss is advocating, ain't it?


@waub - Cool story, bro

Yeah sure, you totally cared about this non-issue 20 years ago.

Twenty years ago the biggest ongoing news story about Residential Schools was that the "oral history" was that the schools were pretty good, and there were allegations of gravesites that every time we dug one up turned out to just be animal bones.

Back then nobody with even 1/10th of a brain would think that Ryerson would be guilty about something that happened after he died, especially since activist Red Indians like Wasabi Rice still can't answer the questions about what Ryerson did that was so wrong.

Rice is so ignorant he needs to go back to school. Spend a lot of time there, in fact..maybe he should just live in the school. Can't hurt.


Woke circular logic: now they acknowledge nonwhites are inherently unclean

You thought I was exaggerating? Nope, now treating personal hygiene of something valuable is racist against the nonwhites who are just incapable of it.

I recoiled in disgust at the thought that a living, sweating, adult person would not only actively choose to avoid washing themselves and their kids, but that they would feel safe enough to state this publicly. 

There is an immense privilege that comes with being able to announce to the world that you and your children are dirty, without fear of stigma or ostracization. It’s a privilege that is never afforded to certain socioeconomic and racial groups—especially Black and Indigenous people.
How in the span of eight sentences the author can talk about how disgusting it is that Jake Gyllenhaal doesn't wash before talking about how unfair it is that nobody thinks Jake Gyllenhaal is disgusting for not washing is an exercise in retardation we'll leave to you, the reader. 

Bonus insantiy posing as health: What's "cultural appropriation"? Well it's "stealing something from somebody that is not you" and by "something" we mean clothes that look similar to somebody else's clothes.

If you can't defeat liberals with ballots, switch to bullets

It's election day and Rat Bastard 2.0 is expected to win another minority government. If you're an Eastern voter, and you care about Justin Trudeau as a person, you need to change your voting plan today that would cause this to happen.

If the Liberal Party wins the election, conservative Albertans will declare war on all Liberals and we won't stop until their leadership is eliminated.

I've been spending much of the election working on a few projects devoted to this, but suffice it to say that Alberta (and the west in general) cannot endure carbon taxes and plastic bans and loss of gun rights and pipeline dithering and the 10,000 little cuts that the Liberals would impose on the economy.

Your primary alternative, of course, is a Conservative government led by leftist stooge Erin O'Toole. In other words, if you're a leftist voter in Eastern Canada (ie. anywhere east of Steinbach) the cost of choosing the guy with "Conservative" on his name on your ballot is the lowest it's ever been. It's highly unlikely that you're going to get much government programs you disagree with.

But if you vote for Justin, he's going to get shot. Which means his life is in your hands. You've backed us into a corner and this is the only other way out.


Good news everyone

Remember that minor kerfuffle last week about political rallies in front of healthcare facilities being unacceptable?

Well not anymore: yesterday Jazz Meat the Air India Bomber and his faggy NDP candidate in north Edmonton held a rally...in front of the East Edmonton Health Centre.

So that means they are okay again. Please update your notes.


Celebrating one year of that evil cunt being a corpse

Ann Coulter on why RBG should have been refused to the Supreme Court:

The confirmation hearings on Democratic nominees to the Supreme Court go somewhat more smoothly. This is because Republicans would apparently confirm a doorknob. During Ruth Bader Ginsburg's confirmation hearings, the nominee said laws against abortion violated the Equal Protection Clause because only women can get pregnant. It's quite a challenge, but this is a legal premise even nuttier than the "penumbra" rationale actually used by the Court in Roe v. Wade. On Ginsburg's theory, topless beaches are mandated under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, at least if men are allowed to go topless at a beach. (But the Equal Protection Clause says absolutely nothing about "recounting" some ballots in Florida three times more than other votes.) Some ninety minutes later, when most of the Judiciary Committee members had stopped giggling, Ginsburg said the death penalty for rape was unconstitutional because rape laws were intended to avenge a man's property right: "If [a woman] was raped before marriage, she was damaged goods. It was a theft of something that belonged first to the father, and then to the husband" - whereupon the Judiciary Committee declared a fifteen minute recess so that Ginsburg's Thorazine could kick in.

Despite the fact that Ginsburg was obviously crazier than a bedbug, Republicans didn't even oppose her on the merits. They certainly did not produce some long-ago coworker to level outrageous sexual harassment charges against her. Then-Senate Republican leader Bob Dole of Kansas said of Ginsburg's nomination to the highest court in the land, "It looks like a good choice." Republican Senator Charles Grassley said, "She's a Democrat nominee that even conservatives can like and respect." Former Grassley aide Samuel Gerdano said the Senate hearing on Ginsburg was like "Barney the dinosaur for adults: 'I love you. You love me.'"


The Tolerant Left

Tolerance? Fuck that shit, we don't believe in it anymore!

Remember: what they call "racism" isn't actually racism, and when they claim they want "justice" it isn't actually justice.