
#Brexit Round....Three?

So much for having done his bit...

Farage To Lead 100,000 Leave Supporters in March on Supreme Court:

The event will end with a rally in Parliament Square, within sight of the court buildings where judges will listen to the government’s appeal over a recent ruling by the High Court which found that parliament should be given a vote on triggering Article 50 to begin the Brexit process.

It is expected to take place on December 5, the first of four days cleared by the court for the hearing.

A spokesman for the event said that Mr. Farage, along with Leave.eu backers Arron Banks and Richard Tice, had “secured support from thousands of Leave voters” for both the march and legal action.

The group is planning to crowd fund £100,000 from its supporters to pay for an independent legal team acting on behalf of Leave supporters. The barristers would be able to challenge both the government and the Remain supporters who brought the case.

The march would be a “reminder about what we voted for, so there is no slippage on the single market which we think this case was used to get a negotiating stand on”, the spokesman said.

He added that the event would be an opportunity for “all Leave campaigners, including members of all political parties, [to] march on the Supreme Court to make a point that ‘Brexit means Brexit’.