
Quebec City and the Bush Doctrine

I think we can all agree that Alexandre Bissonnette went at least a half-step too far.

But ironically enough, despite endless media portrayals about him being a "Trump fan", his "get them over there before they get us over here" philosophy is straight out of George W. Bush (pbuh)'s playbook.

In fact, the idea that we need to kill terrorists and terrorist sympathizers before they bomb our malls and storm our churches, which so clearly motivated Mr. Bissonnette has in fact been routinely stomped on by Donald Trump. He doesn't want to blow up their training camps. He just wants to keep them on the far side of the United States border.

The real estate mogul insisted the U.S. should have a lighter footprint around the world and slammed the Bush doctrines belief in nation building. Trump said he would prefer to spend our valuable resources domestically.
“I do think it’s a different world today, and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore,” Trump said to the Post. “I think it’s proven not to work, and we have a different country than we did then. We have $19 trillion in debt. We’re sitting, probably, on a bubble. And it’s a bubble that if it breaks, it’s going to be very nasty. I just think we have to rebuild our country.”
Trump also questioned the need for the U.S. to continue its current role in NATO, insisting that American taxpayers are footing the bill for Europe.
“We certainly can’t afford to do this anymore,” the billionaire said. He also added later, “NATO is costing us a fortune, and yes, we’re protecting Europe with NATO, but we’re spending a lot of money.”
Republican President George W. Bush led America into a war to topple Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but the GOP’s presumptive nominee continues to buck his party by refusing to support that decision. Speaking in North Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump exposed the folly of an Iraq war that turned Iraq into a breeding ground for radical Islam.
“Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? He was a bad guy. Really bad guy,” Trump told the crowd. “But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn’t read them the rights. They didn’t talk. They were a terrorists. It was over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism.”
So while the debate rages about whether Alexandre Bissonnette really was a Trump fan or not, one thing is very very clear: his decision to make a preemptive strike against Muslim extremists operating in Quebec wouldn't make President Trump a fan of him.