
If you can't defeat liberals with ballots, switch to bullets

It's election day and Rat Bastard 2.0 is expected to win another minority government. If you're an Eastern voter, and you care about Justin Trudeau as a person, you need to change your voting plan today that would cause this to happen.

If the Liberal Party wins the election, conservative Albertans will declare war on all Liberals and we won't stop until their leadership is eliminated.

I've been spending much of the election working on a few projects devoted to this, but suffice it to say that Alberta (and the west in general) cannot endure carbon taxes and plastic bans and loss of gun rights and pipeline dithering and the 10,000 little cuts that the Liberals would impose on the economy.

Your primary alternative, of course, is a Conservative government led by leftist stooge Erin O'Toole. In other words, if you're a leftist voter in Eastern Canada (ie. anywhere east of Steinbach) the cost of choosing the guy with "Conservative" on his name on your ballot is the lowest it's ever been. It's highly unlikely that you're going to get much government programs you disagree with.

But if you vote for Justin, he's going to get shot. Which means his life is in your hands. You've backed us into a corner and this is the only other way out.