
The new Edmonton speed limit is 135 km/h on every road

Today the City of Edmonton's ridiculous "Vision Zero" plan takes another retarded step by mandating 40km/hr default speed limits.

Ignore the EPS and City Hall faggots. Drive 80km/hr everywhere you want.

As we've discussed before, the biggest problem with Edmonton speed limits is they are too slow, not too fast. 50 km/hr has been the default speed limit for decades even as vehicles have gotten safer and lighter (meaning braking can happen faster even barring new and improved brakes).

Ignore the EPS and City Hall faggots. Drive 110km/hr everywhere you want.

The secret, of course, is to ignore their stupid limits. Edmonton cops are mentally inferior and highly unlike to catch you. What was that I suggested above? Oh yeah....\

Ignore the EPS and City Hall faggots. Drive 150km/hr everywhere you want.

As one might expect, they had "community consultation" during working hours when the only important people were unable to attend, and even then ignored the actual issues real taxpayers brought up.

The entire "Vision Zero" plan is pure retarded idiocy: as long as people drive at speeds where you can kill any moron who gets in front of your bumper, people will die as a result of collisions. While there are some sensible things they can do to reduce accidents (ie. redesigning intersections, just not the way they're doing), unless you plan on banning niggers and chinks from (badly) driving on our roadways accidents will continue and accidents will on occasion cause injury or death. This is what we used to call tradeoffs.

Ignore the EPS and City Hall faggots. Drive 180km/hr everywhere you want.

But that sounds like trying to think intelligently, which Major Coward and other retards on City Council are literally incapable of. On the bright side, remember that municipalities don't ultimately exist except at the whim of the province. And look what the province has to say about speed limits in urban areas...

So what we're saying is...

Ignore the EPS and City Hall faggots. Drive 250km/hr everywhere you want.

So what we're saying is do what you want and don't follow their rules, which are likely to be laughed out of traffic court if they even catch you (unlikely) and dare to charge you (unlikely). As the late great Kathy Shaidle would say, Mayor Coward and his ilk are too stupid to tell you how to live.