
"All Cops Are Bastards" but it turns out moronic leftists need the bastards in their corner

"Squiggly Line Guy" shows more than a few examples of leftists, particularly of the Viro Fascist variety, who can't get enough of the cops:

Year after year, these same Leftists in Seattle who have promoted the ACAB phrase, have also voted for tougher gun laws. Every year like clockwork they cry,” we have to do something,” —as if they didn’t just do that the year before, and the year before. Banning streamlined private sales, enacting Red Flag Laws, and scapegoating the mentally ill who generally aren’t all that violent to begin with, Leftists love police enforcement.

In Snohomish County in Washington State, one county north of Seattle’s King County, Leftists have started a recall effort against Sheriff Adam Fortney, who refused to enforce the closing of businesses. They’re upset that police weren’t using heavy hands. These are also the same people who turned in businesses and neighbors to the state’s snitch site, which eventually was made public.

This week Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee issued an emergency directive requiring the use of masks in public in situations where six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained. Washington’s ACAB Leftists applauded this, which made non compliance a misdemeanor offense. To be enforced by police.
And the catch-all ending for almost every article these days:
If it weren’t for double standards, the Left wouldn’t have standards at all