
God-hating Mohammed, Prophet of Satan, founder of the fake Muslim religion sure ain't going to like this...

Hillbuzz tackles the derka-derka crowd's terrorism issues and comes up with a solution: blow up every mosque on the planet...

But, we’ve been told that in Islam, it’s taught their sacred sites will never be destroyed, because Allah loves them all so much. Taking out their mosques and the shrines in Mecca and Medina should definitely rattle them – since their Koran swears to them this would never happen. So, once it happens, the Koran will be proved fallible. If the Koran’s wrong about one thing, even the most zealous of these murderers has to see the Koran could be wrong about other things too — and those promises of scores of virgins as rewards for martyrdom might not be true either.
Probably the biggest impediment to the plan is that going into these mosques and detonating them would likely require the task of suicide bombers...and lets be serious, the same well-adjusted normal people who would be in favour of this plan aren't really so mad at the universe that they'd volunteer to be the one to go and do it. The trouble with fighting a death cult is that by definition the people fighting it aren't interested in dying.

Still, reading the post over reminds me a lot of Sir Humphrey Appleby's comments to Sir Arnold about Minister Hacker's proposal to require civil servants to reduce their budgets by 5% in order to qualify for the Honours List:
"Well I can't find any effective arguments against it."


"It's intolerable, but, um, irresistible."