
Karlie Kloss is a sexy Indian. Non-sexy Indians get their panties in a twist

From the "Things You Didn't Know Were Offensive Department"...

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Victoria’s Secret has apologized for putting a Native American-style headdress on a model for its annual fashion show, after the outfit was criticized as a display of ignorance toward tribal culture and history.

The company responded to the complaints over the weekend by saying it was sorry to have upset anyone and that it wouldn’t include the outfit in the show’s television broadcast next month, or in any marketing materials.

“We sincerely apologize as we absolutely had no intention to offend anyone,” the company said.
If you think this is a ridiculous controversy, you ain't seen nuttin' yet!
Thousands of people have commented about the outfit on the company’s Facebook page. Some praised Kloss’ attire as artistic and urged those offended by it to “get over it.” Several expressed appreciation to Victoria’s Secret for halting its marketing of the clothing, and others reached back in history to explain their feelings.

“We have gone through the atrocities to survive and ensure our way of life continues,” Navajo Nation spokesman Erny Zah said in an interview Monday. “Any mockery, whether it’s Halloween, Victoria’s Secret — they are spitting on us. They are spitting on our culture, and it’s upsetting.”

The Victoria’s Secret stir follows a string of similar incidents. Paul Frank Industries Inc. and the band No Doubt ran into criticism earlier this year for their use of headdresses in clothing and parties, and in a cowboys-and-Indians-themed video, respectively. They offered apologies as well.

Last year, Urban Outfitters Inc. set off a firestorm of criticism with its line of Navajo-branded clothing and accessories — particularly underwear and a liquor flask, which the tribe said was “derogatory and scandalous.”

Jennie Luna, who is Chicana and Caxcan, said society largely is ignorant toward indigenous spirituality and doesn’t understand what should not be marketed commercially. She and others say more education about Native American cultures is needed.

“We are people; we’re not a fashion statement,” Luna said. “We are people who are facing serious issues, and for them to further perpetuate the type of stereotypes and disregard for a community’s way of life is unacceptable.”

ReGina Zuni’s advice to companies looking to market Native American culture is to hire Native Americans who have knowledge of tribal traditions, cultures and customs.

However, her reaction to hearing about the Victoria’s Secret headdress wasn’t outrage about the clothing itself, but about the lack of attention on health care, education, housing and other issues in Indian Country.
I'm frankly not sure which quotes on here are the most offensively retarded? Is it Erny Zah's blathering about 'spitting on' Indian culture here? If this is your "mockery" buddy, just wait until you become a Republican and see what happens to you on The Daily Show.

Or perhaps its Jennie Luna's concern that wearing a bunch of feathers is showing we are "largely ignorant towards indigenous spirituality" and don't "understand what should not be marketed commercially." Riight...is she going to attack the soccer logo used in Northern Ireland next? Or is it her turn to be outright ignorant here? If so, I notice she went first and nobody followed.

For my money of course, its the shocking revelation that there are "health care, education, housing and other issues in Indian Country". Geesh, maybe it turns out Attawapiskat is more representative of an inherent failure in Indians than some sort of statement about Stephen Harper? Who knew?

In the final analysis though, probably the most offensive thing to the Indians about Karlie Kloss wearing a headdress during a fashion show is almost certainly that it has never been worn on somebody while they were working...