
A "conservative" government expands restrictions on Albertans' freedoms (for no good reason)

Editor's Note: this blogpost got caught up in draft status and never got published. Now, two years later, we can see how if you want the truth about COVID-19 or anything, you can't turn to CBC/CTV/Global or pseudo-conservative politicians but this blog hasn't made a single WuFlu misstep in over three years now.

Remember back in February when Alberta extended the mandatory quarantine for people with Wuhan Flu variants to 24 days. Why? Well, because these new variants are far more deadly and dangerous and contagious and...wait, aren't those the SARS-like factors that weren't present in the first round of the China Virus that was the motivation for all these lockdowns and travel bans in the first case?

The elephant in the room, which the lying presstitutes at CBC/CTV/Global won't bother asking, is "is the incubation period longer for these new strains"? The answer, according to the people we get told to listen to when we "follow the science", is no. (emphasis mine)
And doctors in Canada are seeing first-hand how quickly some of the variants of the novel coronavirus can spread, even among people who were following public health precautions. In Ontario, York region has been tracking the B.1.1.7 variant, and according to Dr. Karim Kurji, medical officer of health for the region, the variant might take much less time to infect people than the original strain before it.

“When we interviewed the cases, we discovered that some of them have actually not spent more than a minute, or two minutes, doing some essential shopping in places,” Kurji told CTV News.

“It gives us the impression that this [is] being transmitted very fast indeed.”

The region only had 15 variant cases last week. Now, they have 39 cases. In some situations, Kurji said, the incubation period of the virus is very short as well.

“In one case, it was only 18 hours to two days, so that indicates that [the variant] is very transmissible,” he said.
So on one hand you're telling us that the incubation period is short, which makes sense if it transmits so much faster: after all if we're dealing with a 24-day incubation period it would take an interminably long period of time for the virus to be spreading: they can't simultaneously tell us it's a super-fast spreader that's much more deadly and transmittable and powerful and also claim that we can be infected for over three weeks and never notice.

Yet here they are doing this exact thing: it's unclear at this point if Hinshaw is retarded and doesn't understand the implication, or is simply evil and deliberately lying. (Data point: she doubled down on her deliberate falsehoods a day later).

Both Hinshaw and Kenney are refusing to address the bigger question though: how they think it's "making us safer" to cruelly punish people who aren't playing along. After all, Kenney falsely claims that the most recent lockdowns enacted last Friday are required because of low compliance rates...but they don't give us any information about Alberta compliance rates, how Alberta compliance rates might vary by region, or how Alberta's overall compliance ranks within Canada or other jurisdictions around the world. And of course, as noted on Saturday, the claim that "troublemakers" not complying with the restrictions are the cause of cases is never proven.  Over in Ontario Doug Ford imposed a strict "stay at home order" less than a week after his previous new lockdown rules took effect (which puts to death this lie that we need to wait 2-3 weeks after every measure to gauge its effectiveness).