
@scrotdingersEq - Don't blame me, I never even met the nigger

Yet again, if the vaccine in him doesn't work if I'm not vaccinated then it's no longer a scientific product but some sort of magical talisman with its spooky action at a distance.

On a prosaic level, if the vaccine doesn't work in the bodies if it was injected into if even 15% of the populace doesn't get it done, how were they able to confirm it worked in testing? Or did they skip the "hey is nobody dying of the Cantonese Cough because none of them were exposed to it" step?


@tsengputterman - food belongs to whoever bought it

The best thing about colonialism, and there are so many things to choose from, is that it spread the superior British/Dutch (and to a far lesser extent German/French/Spanish) concept of property to the dark parts of the world that were worse off without it.

Which means, on the pedantic level expressed in the post title, we now properly understand that the person who bought the food is the owner of it. 

Well, that was quick as posts go. Don't forget to subscribe to our email and...oh, right...of course, the stupid anticolonialism folks aren't talking about food in that sense, they're talking in a much more global sense. Who owns, say, jerk chicken?

Which in a way is just them being pedantic. Who owns jerk chicken? Nobody, because "jerk chicken" is a concept rather than an actual physical item (like, say, the jerk chicken I made from scratch using a recipe from a Company's Coming cookbook: Jean Pare owns the copyright on the book, I own the physical book, and I own the physical jerk chicken up until the point where the people at my BBQ ate it in which case they took ownership), and concepts don't have owners.

To wit, the notion of an "invisible hand" is (mostly properly) credited to Adam Smith. However, the idea that he invented/popularized isn't owned by him. The book might have been, the text might have been, but the idea wasn't: the moment that somebody read and internally conceptualized it, the concept spread forth and became in essence public domain. Likewise Jerk Chicken. It doesn't matter who invented it other than a piece of historical footnote, anymore than it's important to remember that the Daiquiri was invented by a specific human we can point to (Jennings Cox). [fun aside, both were adapted from the Taino Indians who were previously in Cuba and Jamaica... -ed]

I can serve a daiquiri in my restaurant without having to share some imagined connection with Cox based on us (presumably) sharing a skin colour and (unlikely) sharing a national origin. Yet Miss Putterman thinks otherwise: she referenced "ownership" as if there was some sort of pennance that should/could be paid to her ancestors who invented...checks notes...Peking Duck. Well I can also serve Peking Duck, I could even call it "authentic original Peking Duck" while putting on blatantly not-found-anywhere-near-Peking ingredients in it (say, Saskatoons) and have it be so popular that it puts the Chinese-owned Chinese restaurant next to me out of business. That's what we call...just something that happens.

After all, one of the things about food is that celebrating the food doesn't particularly reflect on anything else: Turkish (or Lebanese, or even Greek according to preference) food's worldwide popularity doesn't generally align with some sort of Turciaphilic cultural aim. "Turks are jerks" can be uttered while you suck back a Hünkar Beğendi, the same as you can enjoy a couple Taco Bell Grandito's and then wish those lazy Mexicans would stop importing their garbage Latin culture. You can enjoy perogies while enacting internment camps in WWI, have some sushi while not getting worked up about the equally justifiable internment camps in WWII, and feel confident that your most recent trip to Barb and Ernie's didn't mean you supported the Third Reich. Good food is just that, good food. Large numbers of rural Albertans signed onto the wok craze of the late 1960s, support for the (retroactively looking even wiser) Chinese Head Tax was generally unaffected.

Likewise food that is "othered". Alberta has a very significant Scandinavian population, as does Saskatchewan. If you can find a Swedish or Norwegian restaurant (IKEA Kitchen doesn't count!) in either province than all the power to you. Lots of Leb kebob places though. It's almost like a donair tastes better than lefse. After all, isn't it weird that the meat is so smooth on that big rotating stick is still more appetizing than no I don't want to hear what steps come after "first you soak the fish in lye, the semi-toxic chemical we make soap out of". We "other" food when it's disgusting, not when we like or dislike the populace. As noted above, the British Empire was perhaps the greatest human institution ever created, and we would be better off if 1886 England was the pinnacle our own civilization endlessly strove to be more like. On the other hand, British cuisine is so notoriously undesirable that really the only countries they have to insult are Germany and Australia.

If some enterprising negro made a "Lutefisk" that wasn't soaked in (again, semi-toxic!) lye for days and made the thing somehow edible, yes it wouldn't be "authentic" lutefisk in the same way that poutine with lobster meat and bechamel sauce isn't "authentic". (though as an aside, "Italian poutine" with meatsauce and cheddar cheese was being sold at La Belle Province in the early 80s, so even in its heartland they didn't get so worked up over it). Any Dane whose blood boiled that a nonwhite was making Lutefisk "wrong" should probably be committed to a home: to paraphase President Monkey, he didn't build it.

We can (and should) "include" some cultures and not others. We can (and should) "include" some cuisines and not others. These may or may not line up according to taste, and what we certainly should never do is apologize for doing so. It is, in every sense, the right thing to do.

Besides, the best Chinese food ever is ginger beef and those were invented just a couple hours south on the QE2...

Thomas Schneider is smarter than a woman

Thomas Schneider has become Jeopardy's 5th most winning champion.

Oddly enough, that's not how the professional liars in the mainstream media are reporting it. Thomas, you see, has wore a dress and called himself Amy, and therefore has been declared "the winningest female Jeopardy champion" even though he's a dude.

It's a nice gig: we've seen it in sporting events. Global National wanted to talk about the Canadian women's soccer team winning Gold in the Tokyo Olympics without mentioning the inconvenient fact that they cheated by having men on the team. Of course there's no shortage of men who announce they are women (they aren't), competing against the women, and beating them because men are physically stronger. Ask Whitney Houston if you don't believe me.

Hilariously, if you needed further proof men are smarter than women here you go: even a man with severe mental retardation can beat a woman in a contest of the mind. Geesh, sorry ladies, that must be a tough one to bear.

I'm sure they've already gotten over it though. After all, there's another far older game of mental acuity that women simply are incapable of competing against us in: chess. Despite what propaganda you've been fed in entirely fictional stories like The Queen's Gambit, men absolutely destroy women when it comes to chess. Like, it's not even close. Exactly one woman in all of history has been ranked in the top ten at any point.

It's almost as if, and stop me if you've heard this before: men's brains and women's brains are fundamentally different. Even a broken-down man's brain who thinks its a woman's brain, like Thomas Schneider, can operate superior to a woman's brain which is mainly a repository for recipes and a burning desire to watch home improvement shows.

As contests of intellect memorization goes, Jeopardy was one of the areas in which they relatively shine (Thomas becoming the best "woman" and becoming 5th best overall is a level of achievement the women of the chess world wish they were achieving). Even that has been taken away from them by a man who knows Broadway hits of the late 60s and Chinese art during the Zhou dynasty, but is apparently unaware of the scientific fact that you can't change your sex through the magical power of wishing.


@mbiletski - It's Paul's healthcare system, not yours

Sorry, but in a government-run healthcare system the government will run it. Paul Merriman is the health minister for Saskatchewan, so the healthcare system is his to run. If collapsing it is good public policy (hint: it is, but abolishing it entirely is even better) than he should be commended for doing so.

That's mild hyperbole, of course: he could be trying (and failing) to implement real health policy goals for the government, which would cause him to resign particularly if "not collapsing the system" was a goal and that was indeed the result of his stewardship. However, implementing policies even if they stress the healthcare system isn't necessarily a horrible admonishment for which he should be punished, and if you've been watching the news since October 18th you may have noticed no stories about the Saskatchewan healthcare system collapsing (well, no more than you would have heard from 1965 until 2019 anyways).

I've mentioned this a few times, but it bears repeating: so long as healthcare is a public endeavour, it exists entirely to serve us. This is why the "protect the NHS" nonsense or even the "flatten the curve" bit was already pure hogwash. I don't exist to protect the public healthcare system I am banned from abstaining from: they exist to serve me. And I mean serve with all my heart: if we oppose "for-profit" healthcare then nurses shouldn't be paid and if "healthcare is a human right" then doctors cannot be allowed to retire. If the staff are near exhaustion and under tremendous stress, I don't care slaves, keep working until you drop. This is the system you demand and advocate and vote for, so I want the only party suffering as a result to be you and not me.

As alluded above, the solution to these problems is to privatize it. Sadly, neither Miranda nor Paul are clever enough to make it happen.

@glimmer517 - I'm unvaxxed, not staying home, and exactly 0 danger of dying from the Cantonese Cough

Going out of order, the three things you're talking about are:
So what's your point?

Bonus link: One wonders how Eliza will cope with people who aren't interested in the Pfizer Death Juice or ivermectin.

Two weeks to flatten the curve

Welcome to 2022. Does it feel like a fresh new year, the way last year felt like it was going to be a fresh new year?

No, didn't think so.

A year ago, Martok was still drinking the "vaccines will make everything different" kool-aid, for example. Remember all that talk? "Once 70% of the population is vaccinated" then everything will be okay. But then the goalposts kept shifting, and suddenly we were talking about boosters, but don't you dare claim the vaccines aren't as effective as "science" told us it was because that's fake news.

End of June we were really enjoying the end of lockdown restrictions. Yet the moment a dreaded "new variant" comes along we somehow have to reset back to square one. And square one, you'll recall, was "waiting for a vaccine to save us" even as people flat out superior to the likes of Tam and Hinshaw and Fauci were telling you how retarded an idea that was.

And so after a couple of months into the New Year the "2020 won" memes which kicked off in December began to be circulated in earnest, as it became clear that things weren't going back to normal soon: the supply chain was more disrupted than ever, places continued to lock down even harder and openly discussed ignoring the Nuremberg Code because they literally wanted to be Viro Fascists.

Which is another way to say that this felt a lot like a sequel to 2020, rather than a new era. In fact, it's that worst kind, the painfully derivative "we charged you $18 to see the same movie again" type of sequel. So with that in mind, and the extra joy that the "two weeks to flatten the curve" is going to become two years before anything improves, and that you can't reliably expect to book any international vacations or plan large social events for yet another year, it's time to name the year after the year after 2020...

I give you: 2020...too.

Fun science fiction "it could have been worse" notes: