
@MuellerSheWrote - I never learned about Vlad the Impaler either

Why on earth would I be taught about a single race riot that lying activists like Mark Mueller claim was a "massacre"? Let's look at the Yahoo! News story from just under a decade ago
when there was at least some semblance of balance in news coverage:
The railroad tracks have special significance in Tulsa, marking the racial border, said James Goodwin, a 71-year-old black Tulsa lawyer whose father’s high school graduation was canceled because of the historic Tulsa race riot.

Little known outside Oklahoma, the Tulsa race riot of 1921 erupted at a time when American blacks were shut out of most jobs, including Tulsa’s booming oil industry, and were segregated in schools, businesses and housing. Blacks were subjected to violence including lynchings elsewhere in Oklahoma and around the country. Tulsa’s black community was determined to protect itself from such lynchings, according to a 2001 Oklahoma state commission report on the riot.

On May 31, 1921, Tulsa exploded in violence after rumors spread that white vigilantes planned to lynch a black man held in jail and accused of raping a white woman. Armed black men tried to defend the man, while white citizens, some armed by the all-white police department, burned and looted 1,000 homes and businesses in the all-black section of north Tulsa.
Though it's unclear why anybody outside of the general area should be aware of it. It didn't even really make any big difference in overall American politics. Do students also learn about the rioting blacks that destroyed Detroit? Or the rioting blacks who destroyed Cleveland? The rioting blacks who destroyed Minneapolis (the first time)? How about the rioting blacks who destroyed Los Angeles (the first time)? Did they learn about the rioting blacks who destroyed Milwaukee? Did they...okay, at this point the joke has stopped being funny, but the point is clear: American negros are involved in a lot of riots and if children learned about all of them there'd be no time to learn how to add two numbers together.

Let's turn the situation around and ask Mr. Mueller a question in return: have you ever heard of the Red River Rebellion?

I can tell you from experience that nobody from Ontario has, so I doubt that a Trump hater from San Diego has. Yet that was a relatively major event in Canadian history. That doesn't get into the curriculum, but activists here insist that the "Sixties Scoop" is important enough that it needs to be included. (It doesn't). Like Dennis Mueller's Tulsa Riot, it's a relatively minor event that needs to be in the curriculum not because it's important but merely because it advances the disgusting agenda of these activists.

As the title of the post notes, there are lots of people and events that modern education doesn't bother teaching children despite their being of real value. How many of the responses Mueller got were from people who could also advise if they learned about Emperor Constantine, or John Hancock, or Henry the Eighth?