
@MostafaSweed123 - So I can only offer spousal benefits to heterosexual employees?

Sodomites are leaving me alone? Sweet! So I can hold a nice straight pride march in Boston without incident, as they are now leaving me alone? As the post title asks can I only offer spousal benefits to heterosexual employees without incident, as they are now leaving me alone? Can I have my local sidewalk painted with a giant "LEV 20:13" using municipal tax money and not have to worry, as they are now leaving me alone?

No? Can't have any of these things?

Well in that case, I will continue to tell every uranist I meet that their lifestyle choice is evil, conversion therapy can and should be used to cure them, and that since they aren't keen on leaving me alone (as all the broken fingers I've had to impart after being inappropriately touched by them can attest) I won't be returning the favour.

This Mostafa chick is just too slow to understand justifiable "saltiness".