

I've written basically nothing about "Gamergate" on this blog. Why? Well, frankly, I really don't care.

I don't care that a bunch of panty-knotted feminists got "harassed" when they were forced to communicate by people who disagree with them. La-dee-dah, join the club. When your worldview is as horrible as feminism is, you deserve it. You were asking for it. All the nuances of language that come with it.

I similarly don't really care that feminist drivel has infested the world of "videogame journalism" either. I'm not much of a gamer (despite having played about 20 hours worth of gaming in the past week, as luck would have it), and I'm certainly not in any of the demographics that "videogame journalism" or even video games would be interested in. The last game I paid money to buy was "Arkham City". That was bought used, at EB Games, in early 2014, some two and a half years after it was released (and six months after its successor, "Arkham Origins" came out). The last computer game I bought, and I play computer games probably 5-10x more than console games, was XIII. I played about five hours of it until it just made me yearn to play Max Payne, which I did, until it made me yearn Deus Ex, so I played it instead. As for the state of "videogame journalism", of course it's a you-shave-my-back-I'll-rub-yours industry. All media (and sports) journalism is generally facing the same problem. It's why it's hilarious that Grantland has a writer who watches the most popular shows on television like he's exploring a remote Pacific tribe for National Geographic. You'll find endless writings about Parks and Recreation and nothing about Blue Bloods. Hell, even when you Google "most popular TV shows" the links are all to magazine articles about the "best" shows, and they don't often line up.

By that, of course, we mean not "forced", either.

So I don't get worked up about either side of #GamerGate. When something is best known as a Twitter hashtag, it's probably good to ignore it en masse.

Though I suppose if you don't want to read some content, swing over to Patrick Ross taking down the "harassment" complains by feminist writer Anita Sarkeesians.