
Canabis? More like can-a-beer!

A pot-obsessed friend of mine sent me this story that the Conservatives Justice CriticMinister Vic Toews is not going to take steps to decriminalize marijuana (big shock, I'm sure, for anybody who doesn't know who Vic Toews is).

The story includes this single-sentence paragraph [or is that a single paragraphed sentence? -ed]: "Still, pot advocates say marijuana on the whole is a lesser social hazard than alcohol."

My first response to that sentence was to get thirsty, oddly enough. So now I'm kicking back with an AGD.

Time to watch some baseball. You too could watch baseball with interest if you participated in my fantasy baseball league (see link on the right).

Bonus link: Mountain Crest Breweries is probably the last website in the world that still uses splash screens.

Bonus bonus linkage:Two unkind articles about Mountain Crest and a followup to the tale in a Yankee paper.