
Well of course he's a fudge packer!

"Shocking" news today that the pacifist nutbar who's last name keeps looking like "Looney" when I see it in the headlines bites on pillows like there's no tomorrow.

Although the constitution reverted back to the original 1969 document when Saddam Hussein’s regime was toppled in 2003, the status of gay and lesbian rights remain unclear in the war-torn country.

So, uh, they treat the homos pretty bad in Iraq, huh? The lives of those who engage in sodomy in Iraq are forfeit, huh? The regime that the United States and her allies defeated in battle were fighting amoungst other things to continue the right to kill sapphists. Interesting... aren't the other more noble aims of the Confederate Army swept under the rug when the "issue" of slavery can be bandied about to promote self-hatred south of the Mason-Dixon line? Yet the "peace activist" and his own family acknowledge now that if the Iraqis were aware of how effeminate this arse bandit was his life would be in grave danger. [I thought that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's or General Rick Hillier's tough talk in Afghanistan was going to make the lives of Canadians grave danger already, so what difference does it make? -ed]

So doesn't that mean that the American Armed Forces, with their "hateful" policy about asking and telling, and their "neandrethal" attitudes towards women in combat scenarios, was in fact on the side of light, trying to change and enlighten a culture that in the past has been shown to be highly misogynist and homophobic into a 21st century nation celebrating its diversity? Do you think the poofter and his poofter partner are going to mention any of this? Of course not! That would be silly!

While we've seen upteen thousand pictures of James Loney, his equally-epicene partner Dan Hunt has so far remained out of the Google archives: I'm not 100% sure, but I believe I rectify (tee hee... rectify) the situation by linking to this photo here. Dr. Dan Hunt from Sault Ste. Marie, the Looney's home town, is on the right (he sure looks like a uranist doesn't he? Another photo of him looking slightly less uranian is here)

I can only shamefully admit to my lack of knowledge on this subject because I haven't actually cared much to follow this story. I haven't been glued to CBC-TV to catch the details of his teary press conference, where I likely would have figured out that he was a complete bugger. Had I seen this pederast earlier, I would have been able to break the story on this blog all investigative reporterish. Then I would have endured criticism about being judgemental (damn, and probably some hits). And then I'd have been proven right. Ahh, what might have been.

I wonder if Mr. Loney is interested in going back and doing more "peace activisting" over in Iraq. (What exactly do they do over there anyways? Sing "We Shall Not Be Moved" and hold pride parades?) I wonder if his recently-paraded flamerity will place other "Christian Peace Activists" in greater jeopardy..."Hey Akhmed, not only is that man an American and a believer in a religion other than that spoken by the Prophet Muhammed, but he also knows the words to every Melissa Ethridge song ever written." "Derka Derka, he's going down"...

Bonus Link: James Loney, born May 7 1984 in Houston Texas: you can collect his rookie card if you like.