
Variety always lies about conservatives

Variety published a "worst songs of 2020" list article, and of course musicians who have opinions they dislike are the top of the list.

Yet here we are the end of this anything-can-happen year, with Van the Man having written not one but four horrific anti-lockdown songs, three of which he recorded himself, assigning the last to Eric Clapton, whom we can only assume was the victim of a blackmail scheme.

In fact, their declaration about the political opinions of Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Jake Paul, and Lil Pump basically takes the place of any discussion of the actual music.

How does this compare with Variety's list of  "worst songs of 2019"? It doesn't. It literally can't because they didn't get around to actually writing one. In other words, Chris Willman just wanted an excuse to insult people whose views are superior to his own.