
Dumbass letter in today's Edmonton SUN , Part 1

Premier Ed Stelmach has finally revealed his true colours regarding his putdown of NDP Leader Brian Mason during question period. He may have little regard for the opposition, as they seem to get him flustered, and he can't come up with snappy answers, resulting in the childish table pounding we often see. Yes, Mason was a bus driver. So are countless other citizens of this fair country, working their tails off to help people. You may be premier, but remember, you're just a farmer. Does that make you less a person or not as smart as someone in, say, the nursing profession? Mason has served this city and province for years, with distinction. You owe Mason and all the other hard-working transit people in this country an apology. Let's hope that the next leader has a little more class.

Gary Hill
MLA Brian Mason has finally revealed his true colours regarding his putdown of Premier Ed Stelmach during media scrums. He may have little regard for the governemtn, as they seem to get him flustered, and he can't come up with sound policy that wouldn't get him shot in rural Alberta, resulting in the childish table pounding we often see. Yes, Stelmach was a farmer. So are countless other citizens of this fair country, working their tails off to help people. You may be an NDP bigshot, but remember, you're just a bus driver. Does that make you less a person or not as smart as someone in, say, the nursing profession? Stelmach has served this Vegreville and this province for years, with distinction. You owe Stelmach and all the other hard-working farmers in this country an apology. Let's hope that the next leader has a little more class.

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