
"America as a culturally imperialist Babylon"

Shorter Rod Dreher: If you want a picture of the future, imagine a tranny bubble blower stamping on a human face...for ever

There is no limit to how insane these people and their many, many allies in the establishment will get. As Greene puts it, even the slightest pushback causes them to howl "BIGOTRY!" Don't think that electing Republicans will necessarily stop it. As Nate Hochman has reported in National Review, South Dakota is one of the most socially conservative states in the country, but the Republican legislature there keeps bending over and bracing itself to be rogered by Big Trans, in the guise of Sanford, the major health care system headquartered there. After I highlighted Hochman's great piece, a Republican state official e-mailed to say that it happens quite often that conservative legislators from rural areas are at the mercy of Woke Capitalists, who threaten to take jobs away from these places if the legislators don't bend to their woke will. Fixing this is going to require broad and aggressive legislative action -- and is going to require Republican lawmakers to once and for all put out of their fool heads the idea that Big Business is anything other than the enemy of social and cultural conservatives.
There's a bit of chat about Hungary, which I'm sure is a really nice place, but Dreher's whole schtick is just find another safer patch of ground to make a stand in.
Anyway, did you see that a Maryland judge has held a Catholic hospital liable for refusing to remove the healthy uterus of a woman who wanted to transition to pretending to be a man? So much for religious liberty. Eight years ago, shortly after Obergefell, a family policy scholar addressing a private meeting at which I was present said that for conservatives, the loss of traditional marriage is certainly a big deal, but not even close to the biggest deal. The worst would be if transgender ideology became mainstream. Why? we asked. Because, he said, our civilization is built on the gender binary in ways we don't even think about, because the natural fact of male and female has never been seriously questioned. If we lose the stable gender binary, he said, we will have removed the struts upholding civilization, and everything will fall apart. This man was a well-established academic, but he knew well enough then to insist that we not mention his name. He saw what was coming.

Seven years ago, when I began reporting for the book that became The Benedict Option, I spoke to a prominent Catholic physician who worked at a major, and quite prestigious, US medical facility. He told me (this is quoted in the book) that he would never encourage his children to follow their father's footsteps into medicine, because he could see that very soon, Christian doctors were going to have to choose between their medical licenses, or their consciences. In fact, he told me how strange it is to go to work in his large hospital, and talk to fellow Christian physicians, point out the insanity coming quickly down the pike, and to see that they were oblivious to the implications for their Christian consciences. They had compartmentalized the coming crisis away, because, apparently, they couldn't bear to imagine that they might have to suffer as physicians to defend the gospel truth.

It ends with a nice little niche carving noting that there's space between Trump loyalty and "Never Trump" idiocy.