
I checked my facts and my privilege: it turns out they confirm the right-wing things I've said this whole time

John Derbyshire on how Charles Murray's new book will anger people who hate facts while claiming to love "science":

What is to be done? Murray's prescription is civic nationalism. We can all get along, he says, if we will just stay true to the principles on which our nation was founded and face reality.

You can applaud that—and I do—as coming from a generous, good-hearted patriot and seeker after truth. You can also mock it—and many on our side of the fence surely will—as a naive civ-nat "bravery signaller" murmuring emollient words into a howling gale of unreason.

What, after all, will be the united response to Murray's two truths, assuming they deign to notice them, from all the commanding heights of our culture—from the media, the academy, the churches, all three branches of government? SYSTEMIC RACISM!  LEGACY OF SLAVERY!  SOCIAL CONSTRUCT!  WHITE SUPREMACY!  PRIVILEGE!  BIGOT!  BURN THE WITCH!

The great mass of people don't share Murray's enthusiasm for data, for facts, for careful empirical inquiry. They have no patience with z-scores and correlation coefficients. They are not interested in objective reality unless it grows their food or powers their gadgets. They want magic and religion. They want drama: saints and martyrs, heroes and villains, Good versus Evil.

In the Western world today those universal inclinations are directed by the widespread desire among white people, especially white women, to kneel and abase themselves before other races, to denounce their own ancestors and belittle all their achievements.