

Last Friday I noted that Mark Steyn had a comment in 2016 that was applicable to Jason Kenney in 2021.

All this is happening under the allegedly most conservative premier in Canada, a man I've known for almost thirty years and who was the only federal cabinet minister to lend any real support to me during my free speech battles. Jason Kenney is a man who, as Immigration and Citizenship Minister, gave every new Canadian a copy of Magna Carta - whose most basic lesson is that "human rights" are not a gift of the state but a restraint upon the state.

Me five years ago:
As I remarked re the Republican Party on Rush the other week, it's a lot easier for the base to get itself a new elite than for the elite to find itself a new base.
The Premier of Alberta has risen to the challenge:
Jason Kenney told a closed-door UCP caucus meeting on Sunday "I want a new base" as he slammed the rogue anti-lockdown rodeo in Bowden, the Western Standard has learned.

To steal another line from Steyn, there's an appetite out there for Rachel Arab inspired Viro Fascism. There's an appetite out there for Ron DeSantos reopening. There are no voters interested in Kenney's eventual arresting a couple churchgoers to try and tame months of NDP demands to have everybody imprisoned in their homes.

Update, May 11 2021 3:27pm: Small Dead Animals readers, themselves a big chunk of Kenney's base, weigh in.