
This day in (blog) history

It was a year ago today that fudge packing fringe performers and their pro-sodomite allies in the media got together to make a news story out of the Fringe reviews done every year on Third Edge of the Sword.

This, as it turns out, brought the fagosphere out in full effect. It may wind up being the Third Edge of the Sword blogpost which gets discussed by more people than actually read it, which happens more often to bigger conservative names like Mom or Rush Limbaugh. So that's what that feels like. Cool.

How cruel, how cruel, they cried out dramatically that somebody would dare to talk about plays before watching them. How can you pass judgement, they declared, on something unseen!

The thing with liberals is they don't want you to actually do the thing that they're asking you to do, and they themselves want to do it even less.
Since this post last year, the media hasn't even pretended to cover up their biases. From pederast Metro Calgary columnist Mike Morrisson to cowardly lesbo Edmonton Journal columnist Mariam Ibrahim, the media has made no effort hiding their biases on this subject.

We've seen their desire to push the sodomite agenda in the public sphere: just look at how they covered Faggot-Familiar Alliances and how they covered free speech. Look at how they fight to make any anti-poofter candidate persona non grata by removing not only political ads by their opponents, but even reader comments complaining that they did so. Global Edmonton, having done a blatant political hit piece on me, blocked me on Twitter after I demanded they ask me for my take when they did another poof puff piece on University of Alberta uranist Kristopher Wells (who, in the usual appeal to fagthority, was asked to talk about me a year ago today).

A year later, the important thing for pillow biters and their familiar allies to know is this: I'm not stopping. I never will stop, but I will stop you. I'll change your mind before you change mine, and I'm prepared to go further than you to achieve that.