
A Tale of Two MLAs

As I recently wrote, Shayne Saskiw put forth a private members motion to revoke the speech controls of the Alberta Human Rights Commissions. It failed, much to the shame of every member of the Legislative Assembly. Funny thing is though, he got basically no media coverage about it.

Last night, Kent Hehr got a chance to defend his disgusting Motion 503 on Alberta Primetime. Notice the lack of any voices of opposition regarding the motion. Again, it failed, opposition shouldn't have been hard to track down.

By contrast, on March 17th Shayne Saskiw's Motion #502 was debated. What was on Alberta Primetime? Crickets. The night after that motion's defeat was taken up by suntanning bans and talk about decorum in the Legislature. Certainly no sympathetic media coverage of efforts to remove law that already was used to stifle journalism. You'd almost think it didn't fit their agenda. Both Kent Hehr and fudge packing UofA activist Kris Wells were on Global TV this morning as well. Again, no voices opposed to GSAs were permitted on the shows, nor was Saskiw ever on Global Morning News to talk with disappointment about the defeat of his legislation just three weeks ago. Why the double standard? Well, we know why. It doesn't make it any less offensive.

Motion 502 was something that would have improved the freedom of everyday Albertans, none moreso than the news media. But then, if you're going to sign on full speed ahead with the sodomite agenda like Global and CityTV and CTV are doing, you don't have to worry, do you? You'll never worry about your free speech when you just blindly salivate along behind the trendy. Until you aren't. Then a silly alliance of morally weak schoolkids doesn't seem too important does it?