
Aye, there WAS hot ass after all!

Tragically, I neglected to pack a camera. There was a large amount of hot ass. And much drink with my friends did flow. Unfortunately, M______ ended up in attendence for a brief time. Which is why the drink flowed particularly faster from that point forward. Bars visited included Julios Barrios, Monkey Island, and Filthy McNasty's (where I seemed to run into more people I used to work with... and drink flowed faster still).

Sadly, the 5pm start to the Oilers game means I have to miss out on the BBQ goodness. Its a shame too... we discussed how to marinate meats, how to properly cook potatoes and carrots and green peppers in tin foil, and other cooking topics which only the male race can properly discuss without getting overly bogged down in details. At least the 8pm Calgary game will be available for exciting viewing.

Since links are the key to a good blog, and since M______ doesn't have a website, how about Colby Cosh covering how Calgary is a "second rate sports town".

I would like to take this time to apologize for people who tried to view this site on their cell phone mobile browser, particularly from Bell. I discovered today that the site will not load due to the website being too large.

I cannot help but put that squarely in the "W" column.