
Why Andy Dick in Edmonton proves Donald Trump right

It was about four years ago now that the infamous "Trump locker room audio" was the big story. I didn't get around to commenting on this before the 2016 election, but you know what they say, better late than never. If you've forgotten, the big thing that gets feminist harpies panties in a twist is this quote:

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Now the first thing a rational person does is notice how Trump subtley has moved from the first person to the second person. He goes from "I just start kissing them" to "You can do anything" which comes after the imperative sentence: "grab them by the pussy". Imperative sentenes always default to second person, but even if they don't Trump helpfully says "you can do anything" both before and after using it. For all the leftists who insist this proves Trump grabs women by the pussy (remember leftists are never the 'rational people' referred to earlier), it really doesn't. The only ballsy move Trump explicitly refers to himself doing is "I just start kissing them".

Have you ever used the "just start kissing them" move? I have. Lots of people have. It's a good move. You're on a third or fourth date with a pretty girl, there's clearly some chemistry and awkward pauses, and you use one of those pauses to lay one on her. The consent fetishers go nuts by even suggesting it, but it's not exactly an unheard of manoeuvre. Hell, Princess Leia did it to Luke. I just rewatched National Treasure last week and Ben Gates gives one to Abigail. I'm sure if you went through movie kisses before the woke era you'd find at least half of the men's first move was just the sudden kiss.

The second thing our rational non-leftist will notice is that what's Trump's talking about isn't what he does or what Billy Bush does or even what he's ssying male celebrities do. It's instead what celebrities are being allowed to do. It's pussy-grabbing in the passive voice.

Which brings us to Andy Dick.

Yes, that Andy Dick.

In April of 2005, Andy Dick performed at Yuk Yuk's in what at the time was it's new Fort Road location. It didn't go well: he exposed his cock onstage and was booted out the door. This was his second show on Friday April 1st, his shows on April 2nd ultimately ended up being cancelled. What wasn't reported in the news, and as far as I know I'm the one first reporting this story to the world (15 years late, which is still faster than it took the Edmonton Journal to learn about the National Energy Program), is that after his comedy show was cancelled due to complaints he ended up on Whyte Avenue.

That night I'm out for drinks with Martok and Chang, specifically on the main floor of the Black Dog Freehouse. Who should show up but one Dick, Andy? Quite intoxicated and probably in a mood after being shit-canned from Yuk Yuk's, Andy Dick proceeds to go around the bar...and grab women by the pussy. And guys by their cock. As he goes from patron to patron he locks lips with them and starts to fondle them. In other words, he "just starts kissing them". "Like a magnet". He doesn't "even wait". And most of the people at Black Dog literally let him do it.

Eventually Chang of all people is the one who disrupts his Hollywood party by starting a chant of "Andy Dick sucks dick" which probably played a small role in him leaving the bar. But despite his behaviour and his intoxication he wasn't touched by a bouncer. "You can do anything" Trump said.

He was right. This of course is why the celebrity-obsessed left had to go through such pantomime moral preening: Trump had spoken a truth which they hoped would stay hidden. Celebrity culture has really left us with a two-tiered notion of right and wrong: when Ru Paul thinks he's a woman and parades his ugly ass in a dress we're supposed to applaud. What they do is always implicitly accepted, and if thousands of years of moral law and human decency say otherwise the celebrity wins out in the end. Ironically the ones who hate Trump the most for being a beneficiary of this policy are the sames ones who day after day live it.

Andy Dick does suck dick. But he in his own way reminded us that Donald Trump is right a hell of a lot more than he's ever wrong.